英语人>网络例句>治疗方案 相关的搜索结果


与 治疗方案 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The clinical characteristics and prognosis are different between adults and children diastematomyelia, so the treatments should be differentiated.


ABSTRACT:Objective To investigate the treatment and the main cause of recurrence of the epitenon synovium giant cell tumor.

目的 探讨腱鞘滑膜巨细胞瘤的治疗方案及复发的主要原因。

When there is an infection, se- eral factors must be ealuated carefully to deelop a detailed management plan.


Furthermore, the index-evaluated angiogenesis has a significant correlation with microvascular density. So contrast-enhanced ultrasound can help predict prognosis and select treatment plan of anti-angiogenic therapy and exairesis et al.


Is increasing. Better treatments are extending lives, and more people are getting the drugs.


CT examination of extremital bone and joint fracture could provide help on choosing therapeautic method and evaluating prognosis.


CT examination of extremital bone and joint fracture could provide help on choosing therapeautic method and evaluating prognosis.


"We continue to look for ways to combat health disparities in the United States and throughout the world," said Lewis Roberts, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D., the study's principal inestigator and a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic."Our research into SULF2 suggests a number of promising possibilities for the deelopment of more effectie treatments for cancer."

&我们一直在寻找与全美和全世界健康差异斗争的方法,& Lewis Roberts博士说,主要的研究者和Mayo临床中心的胃肠病学家,&我们对SULF2的研究说明,研制对肿瘤更有效的治疗方案的可能性是存在的。&

Objective To explore the associated prognosis factors of hematological malignancy,and rational management scheme.

目的 探讨恶性血液病患者长期生存的相关因素,提出合理的综合性Medicine治疗方案

Objective To explore the associated prognosis factors of hematological malignancy,and rational management scheme.


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Intuitively, Urban Maximum Flux Principle is to calculate or sense interplays, correlations or complexity of relational reality, and then maximize it under constraints.


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