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与 河的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Effected by provenance from the depression northeast and the north, sandstones shaped as semicircle,are distributed in the depression northeast ,and then mudstone and silty argillite as its transition to the southwest. The sequence is classified into two types: alluvial fan-braided river sequence, which was formed by the strong tectonic movement in the lower Jurassic, lake-delta-meander river sequence that generated in the middle and upper Jurassic.


Thus in the dawn of time, river civilizationsflourished in the old world: Chinese civilization along the Yellow River; pre-Indian along the Indus; Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian on the Euphrates and the Tigrist Egyptian on the Nile.


Ladies and gentlemen, now we are at the famous Four Corners. In the old days, four well-known brands ( Kong Fengchun Rouge Shop, Mi Dachang Tobacco Shop, Tianxiangzhai Tea Candy Shop, Wanlong Ham Shop) occupied the four corners where Hefang Street and Zhongshan Road cross each other. They were also adjacent to Zhang Yunsheng Hat Shop, Wen Longsheng Tea Shop, Fang Yuhe Southern Goods Shop and other famous shops. Therefore, another name "Four Corners" had become popular during the old Hangzhou citizens.


The deposition reduction effect in starting works on river dredging and dike strengthenning between Zhujiawuzi and Xihekou in the Lower Yellow River has been studied through river engineering model experiment.


At the sametime,human settlements expanded into the lowlying plain.


In 1918, to take refuge from the war, more than 700 Buryat Mongolians followed their leader and migrated to the grasslands around the Xini River in Hulun Buir, and set up Buryat Banner after gaining the local government's approval.


Hectares of coastal Marennes culture zone growth of high-quality oyster has the advantage of being here in the high sea temperatures suitable for continuous propagation of oysters, plus seudre River Charente River and the injection of fresh water, oysters salt and water balance better.


Sona pani is part of the complex of glaciers at the Rohtang pass that feed two major rivers: the Beas River , which flows through the Kullu Valley, and the Chenab River , which flows through the Lahaul valley.


The Hoover Dam, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the interstate highway system, the Internet, the Human Genome Project—time and again, government investment has helped pave the way for an explosion of private economic activity.

曾经多次地,政府投资在胡佛水坝(Hoover Dam,位于美国内华达州的东南部跟亚利桑纳州西北部的交界处,是美国最大的人工水库,同时也是美国七大现代土木工程奇迹之一),田纳西河流域管理局(Tennessee Valley Authority,一个国有、跨州、综合开发利用田纳西河流域自然资源的管理系统),州际公路系统,互联网系统,人类基因研究计划等项目中为私营经济的腾飞铺平了道路。

With a turbulent history that reaches back 2,000 years, this most elegant and bustling of Scottish cities is dominated by the River Ness that sweeps gracefully into the Moray Firth, with its 500 miles of coastline. From July to September, Inverness makes its own contribution to Highland 2007 with 'Summer in the City' - an outdoor festival that showcases Highland musicians, singers, artists and young theatrical talent (www.invernessccm.co.uk).

追溯至2000年前那动荡不安的岁月,苏格兰最优雅繁华的城市多分布在尼斯河沿岸,风景如画的尼斯河蜿蜒前行,注入拥有500英里海岸线的摩瑞湾。7月至9月,因弗内斯将举办&城市之夏&('Summer in the City')户外艺术节,展现高地音乐家、歌唱家、艺术家和青年文艺人才( www.invernessccm.co.uk )的风貌,令高地2007年活动更加丰富多彩。

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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
