英语人>网络例句>河的 相关的搜索结果


与 河的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Others more milde, Retreated in a silent valley, sing With notes Angelical to many a Harp Thir own Heroic deeds and hapless fall By doom of Battel; and complain that Fate [ 550 ] Free Vertue should enthrall to Force or Chance.


This capacity limit is based on MDE regulations governing the allowable load of nitrogen, phosphorous, and other pollutants in treated wastewater that is discharged into Antietam Creek.


Supporters point out that the two dams will flood an area only one-sixth as large as that inundated by the giant Itaipu dam. But because of their modern turbines, and the strength of the Madeira's flow, they will generate electricity equal to 8% of Brazil's current output.

拥趸们指出,与巨大的 Itaipu 水坝相比这两个水坝的泄洪区面积仅为前者的六分之一,但是由于采用了现代化涡轮机,加上马代拉河的汹涌水流,两水坝的发电量将达到巴西目前电力产出的8%。

Perhaps I've let the soothing burble of the Lijiang river lull me into a false sense of security, causing me to appear an easy mark to the pickpockets who work theses streets as surely as they do anyplace where haves And have-nots rub shoulders.

或许我已经让Lijiang 河的令人舒适的产生涡流使安静我进一种错误的安全感,引起我出现给谁工作论文街道象他们一样肯定的扒手的一容易上当的人和贫民擦肩。

Perth's most iconic visitor attraction, King Park offers a truly unique experience with natural bushland, tranquil park areas, native birds and stunning panoramic views of the city and Swan River.


Additionally, canalization of the river is an expensive measure that uses up valuable public funds, which could be allocated to other public projects.


Although some media that face drastic competition have showed differentiated position and some of their experience has been record, the theoretical research lagged far behind the practice make their successes full of blindness and contingence.


He is a cosponsor of legislation to overturn the NLRB's "Kentucky River" decisions classifying hundreds of thousands of nurses, construction workers, and professional workers as "supervisors" who are not protected by federal labor laws.


The most recent one is the Kota Belud sport complex which is delayed for six months and will take another one year to be completed, and the Segaluid River water treatment plant in Sandakan which can not produce well quality treated water to Sandakan.


Mac Glover had been president of the University of Arkansas student body; Dick King was president of the student body at Arkansas State Teachers College; Paul Fray was president of the Young Democrats at Ouachita Baptist; Bill Allen was a former Arkansas Boys State governor and student leader at Memphis State, just across the Mississippi River from Arkansas; Leslie Smith was a beautiful, smart girl from a powerful political family who had been Arkansas Junior Miss.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
