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与 河的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It did this by conquering the towns of the Volsci to the south and those of the Etruscans to the north of the Tiber; Veio had already been acquired after a ten-year siege at the beginning of the century (396 BC) by Furius Camillus.

他通过占领沃而西的城镇(ANZIO和伊特鲁里亚的(TARQUINIA,FALERI和CAERE到达了台伯河的南部和北部;在从世纪初(前396年)持续十年的围攻后VEIO也被Furius Camillus征服。

Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares.


The town was named for the 45 mile long Lake Havasu on the Colorado River by the Chemehuevi Indians and translates into "Land of the Blue Green Water".


In the small hours she whispered to him the whole story of how he had walked in his sleep with her in his arms across the Froom stream, at the imminent risk of both their lives, and laid her down in the stone coffin at the ruined abbey.


Headward erosion is main cause of river captrue,but it is not only; Erodeless belt is not absolute erodeless; Erosion of below river can cut through the watershed by "erosion chain" at last,Erodeless belt is not obstacle to river ...


The plant floating-bed technology application in Miaojia river showed that the water quality of the plant foating-bed technology applied had preceded evidently than the comparing water, though the water quantity was exchanged largely. There existed a micro-ecosystem at the root aera of floating-bed plant which mainly consists of organic grain, algae, zooplankton, zoobenthos. The mode of "Oenanthe javanica -Ipomoea aqutica" floating-bed mode application realized the whole year run of plant foating-bed technology on polluted water. Hence, the mode is suggested in the following application.


In contrast, the Chino A6M5 Zero still has its Japanese Sakae engine from when it was captured on Saipan in June of 1944. Shortly afterwards it was taken to the naval test station at Patuxent River, where it was flown for some time by various pilots, including Charles Lindbergh, in order to determine its flight characteristics and weaknesses.

奇诺的这架A6M5零式战斗机依然装着1944年6月它在塞班岛被俘获时的日本中岛发动机,随后它被送往帕图森特河的美国海军测试中心,在哪里它被一些飞行员驾驶包括Charles Lindbergh)来测试它的战斗数据和弱点。

In contrast, the Chino A6M5 Zero still has its Japanese Sakae engine from when it was captured on Saipan in June of 1944. Shortly afterwards it was taken to the naval test station at Patuxent River, where it was flown for some time by various pilots, including Charles Lindbergh, in order to determine its flight characteristics and weaknesses.

奇诺的这架A6M5零式战斗机依然装着1944年6月它在塞班岛被俘获时的日本&荣&式发动机,随后它被送往帕图森特河的美国海军测试中心,在哪里它被一些飞行员驾驶包括Charles Lindbergh)来测试它的战斗数据和弱点。

About two hundred miles of travel, crossing icy creeks and rivers, the little group reached the bank of the Sangamon River, about ten miles from Decatur, Illinois.


As a team registered in Austria we should have heard Land der Berge, Land am Strome , the country's national anthem.

红牛是在奥地利注册的,那自然我们应该听到奥地利的国歌land der berge, land am Strome(《山的土地,河的土地》)。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
