英语人>网络例句>河流的 相关的搜索结果


与 河流的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want to make a detour of those lofty arid mountain ranges where one dies of thirst and cold, that "extratemporal" history, that absolute of time and space where there exists neither man, beast, nor vegetation, where one goes crazy with loneliness, with language that is mere words, where everything is unhooked, ungeared, out of joint with the times.


Jin Shajiang trunk stream can develop the fluvial drop that use to be rice of 2 1 80, trunk stream of river of elegant rice huller can develop drifting fluvial drop to be rice of 2 82 7, the big trunk stream that cross a river can develop the fluvial drop that use to be 2 636 rice.

金沙江干流可开发利用的河流落差为 2 1 80米,雅砻江干流可开发利用的河流落差为 2 82 7米,大渡河干流可开发利用的河流落差为 2 636米。

Fully utilizing river' s own energy to reaerate for river, increase the DO concentration of city river polluted water and improve the water quality by the riverway artificial structures, such as dams and weirs, this is a effective method which is of tremendous social and economic benefit.


In this paper organoleptic index, physico-chemical index for water body and sediment,composition of river ecological system, function of river ecological system to assess river pollution condition were introduced


Results The damp fans, rivers and lakes are main sedimentary systems in Yanqi Basin. They are funned from T(subscript 2-3) to J2, including Xiaoquangou, Badaowan, Sangonghe, Xishanyao and Toutunhe age. The rivers and lakes sedimentary systems are good development. The rivers sedimentary systems are divided into braided stream and meandering stream.

结果 潮湿扇、河流和湖泊沉积体系是焉耆盆地的主要沉积体系类型,它们形成于中晚三叠世至中侏罗世的小泉沟、八道湾、三工河、西山窑和头屯河期;其中的河流沉积体系和湖泊沉积体系较为发育,河流沉积体系分为辫状河和曲流河两种类型。

Secondly, based on the abstract and assignment decomposition of the entities included in the URWE, the Agent model of the URWE entities such as pollutionenterprise、 governor and water body was built, and combined with the theory of drainage basin water pollution control and decision-making, the assignment allotment and frame design of the Agent included in the URWE was made in detail, the theory foundation was established to achieve the URWEIDSS based on Agent.


Lithological characterized by pyroclastic rocks interbedded with sedimentary rocks, with a few volcanic rocks.(2) The sedimentary facies: include normal fluvial, swamp, littoral and shallow lakes, as well as fallout facies of pyroclastic sediments, volcanic lahar facies, pyroclastic alluvial facies and pyroclastic fluvial facies (different from normal alluvial and fluvial facies).


The paleochannel-Ⅱ might form during the Holocene Optimal period.


The change extent of the water level and the falling extent the imbedded water level is the biggest in Phragmites sustralis-Carex schmidtii community, The reason is likely to be it's near to the river, and have gutters in the peatland which is near the river, which makes the water enter the river easily, and so make the change extent bigger.


Major peninsular rivers whose steeper gradients prevent their waters from flooding include the Godavari , the Mahanadi , the Kaveri , and the Krishna , which also drain into the Bay of Bengal;[76] and the Narmada and the Tapti , which drain into the Arabian Sea .

但印度境内的河流包括戈达瓦里河, Mahanadi 河, Kaveri 河和克利须那河,虽然也都同样经孟加拉湾流入大海,由于河流坡度较陡,所有不大容易形成洪水。纳尔默达河和 Tapti 河的河流坡度也较陡,但最后流入阿拉伯海。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
