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I knew it would be harder to cope with for those who had never lived with the constant threat of arbitrary and destructive attacks, especially in an atmosphere in which there was a presumption of guilt attached to any charge.
The accused al-Qaeda conspirator testified today that he was never intended to be one of the September11 th airplane hijackers.
After 15 years of virtually unchallenged rule, the ANC stands accused of corruption, arrogance and cronyism.
Such a conception is to be sharply distinguished,therefore,from certain legal fictions or presumptions which have no relation to fact and are often in truth false deductions or conclusions—such as the fiction of a lesase in the old suit of ejectment,the fiction by which the english Court of Exchequer usurped jurisdiction by permitting an allegation that the plaintiff was the King's debtor and an then allowing no one to deny it,the fiction that all of the stockholders of a corporation are residents of state where it was incorporated,the fiction of a lost grant and the like.Such fictions or presumptions are obviously purely arbitrary and are often in truth contrary to fact,and were invented by the courts for the perpose of being able to administer justice without expressly disregarding a rule which literally applied would produce results opposed to justice.
这样一种看法是要大幅度杰出的,因此,从某些法律的小说或想法,没有关系,并经常在真理中扣除或虚假的小说中conclusions-such lesase旧西装,小说的ejectment由英国法院管辖的金库篡夺通过允许的指控原告是国王的债务,然后不允许任何人否认它,小说,所有的股东的股份有限公司是国家的居民那里成立,小说失落的奖助金,喜欢…这样的小说或想法显然是纯粹的武断的,通常是在真理与事实,并由法庭被发明的辩护是能够以断案没有明确地无视规则会产生结果,字面上的应用与正义。
"The mere fact that in order to test the truth of the representations some independent inquiry is made, which necessarily is really in the nature of a fishing expedition rather than a systematic search that will necessarily reveal the truth if carried out with reasonable thoroughness, does not indicate lack of reliance; to hold so would enable a liar who falsifies facts peculiarly within his own knowledge to subject to an unconscionable squeeze play: if makes any independent checks he would claim that it isn't 'relying' and thus is not voidable … the only alternative for the company would be to indicate 100 per cent faith and reliance by making no investigation whatsoever, at the risk of having a court later determine that inconsistencies in the application or information otherwise brought to their attention should have caused them to make at least such an inquiry as a prudent man would have made."
但如果受害方的确有去作出了查询并且发觉了这个误述,但他还是去确认合约,这就表示了另一个重要的问题就是他并没有依赖这一个误述。当然,受害方去作出查询并不代表他能够完全知悉真相,所以误述方会有很大的举证责任说明受害方完全通过查询可以知道事实真相,所以后来确认合约并没有去依赖误述。这也是现实,例如在近年来的合并收购的商业活动蓬勃,其中涉及了不少的卖方被指控向买方作出误述。但在这种交易,买方通常会在订约前会来一个"合理努力"的查询/查帐,岂非是卖方就因此可以随意去误述而不必负责了?这方面美国上诉庭有一个先例把这一点说得很清楚,它是New York Life Insurance Co v。 Strudel 243 F 2d 90 (5 Cir 1957),如下
As to the allegations of price- fixing, I can say that Morning Star was not requested to be a member of, nor did we participate in, the California Tomato Export Group, formed by processors SK Foods, Ingomar and Los Gatos.
至于SK FOODS被指控操纵价格,我可以说,晨星公司不是SK FOODS、英戈马和洛斯加托斯这三家加工商组成的&加州番茄出口集团&的成员,我们既没有被他们要求加入,也从未加入过。
Although the government boasts of rising arrests, most of the people it detains are never charged.
Accordingly, a person could be convicted of unlawful wounding and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, contrary to sections 20 and 47 of the 1861 Act, for committing sado-masochistic acts which inflicted injuries which were neither transient nor trifling, notwithstanding that the acts were committed in private, the person on whom the injuries were inflicted consented to the acts and no permanent injury was sustained by the victim.
You are suspected of a crime of which nobody could really think you guilty… What does the title of empress mean to me, if I am accused of a crime that even the basest of women would abhor?
If the defendants do not return, there is no amount to forfeit, but they will be rearrested, as well as face additional charges of contempt of court.
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But we don't care about Battlegrounds.
Ah! don't mention it, the butcher's shop is a horror.
Tristan, I have nowhere to send this letter and no reason to believe you wish to receive it.
Tristan ,我不知道把这信寄到哪里,也不知道你是否想收到它。