英语人>网络例句>没有用的人 相关的搜索结果


与 没有用的人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is appropriate to ground contemporary analysis of this issue in the pioneering work of Murray, since, in the words of Cardinal Bernardin,"o single figure in American history has had greater impact on how Catholics conceive of the relationship between religion and politics."

将这一论题的当代分析奠基于Murray的先驱性著作之上是适宜的,因为用Cardinal Bernardin的话说,"在美国的历史上,关于基督教如何构建宗教与政治之间的关系,没有哪个人[比他]有更大的影响"。

The quality of commercial Mei-Gin products are different from each other XVI and shows unsatisfied results. however, In future, possibly, HMF can be applied as a bioactive standard marker for quality control of Mei-Gin. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of HMF, we can establish the model of quality control, and find out facilitative, efficient, and representative chemical fingerprint for commercial Mei-Gin products. Standardizng the Mei-Gin product from the same procedure will bestead the market of plum in Taiwan. Not only advancing the economic value of plum, but also accelerating the competitiveness in marketplace. Establishent of quality control model with HMF as a bioactive standard marker will be crucial issue in the future.

目前在台湾,梅产品还没有一个可以判断品质优的标准,市面上的产品品质也是差齐,在品质管制方面一直无法获得人满意的成果,透过HMF 的定性定分析,可确初步品质管制的模式,为梅产品订出一个简有效且具代表性的化学指纹图,使所有同一产程的产品一致化以及标准化,这将对於梅子产业有相当大的助,仅可以提升梅子的经济价值,并且增加在市场上的竞争,因此用HMF 作为Bioactive standard marker,并且为梅产品建起品质管制模式在未将会是相当重要的研究之一。

Whether he is using bullet-proof fabrics to make a tent, fashioning an explosive device from the last gallon of oil on Earth, making a person run in order to watch a film, even in his ludic reference to a fable on magic beans, we discover contrasting, humorous and imaginative ideas which do not exist in the real world.


We are doing more good than we know, sowing seeds, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him; and, of my part, I shall be satisfied if no great mausoleum is raised over my grave, but that simple souls shall gather there when I am gone, and say, He was a good man; he wrought no miracles, but he spake words about Christ, which led me to know Him for myself.


I know that many AI patchers spend many hours trying to fix thisFastbreak Bug. I am quite proud of this feature. I am pretty sure that nobody has achieved this high level of gameplay and fastbreak mechanism.

作者说:我知道现在很多的AI 补丁手都在用很多的时间来修正快攻的问题,我非常骄傲这个特点,我非常确定没有人达到了我这个AI 的高水平快攻战术和游戏的可玩性。

LifeWire -- Slack-jawed and seething, Patti Davis couldn't believe what her boyfriend was showing her: video footage of a naked romp the two had enjoyed the previous winter, taken by a hidden camera he had used to tape them without her consent.

瞠目结舌、胸中充满怒火的Patti Davis无法相信男友给她看的是什么:两人去年冬天裸体做爱时由男友没有经过她的同意用隐蔽摄像机拍下的画面。

Lucia, who had spoken to Our Lady, was announcing with expressive gestures, as she was carried along shoulder-high by a man and passed from group to group, that the war would end and that the soldiers would return ... But news like that, however, did nothing to increase the jubilation of those who heard it.


Everyone who lives in a Chinese city at the moment has a story to tell about the stock market craze and most have a similar theme: fascination with the sheer dynamism of the boom and fear at the occasional recklessness.


Grueling terrain and steep mountain passes were no deterrent for a trio of cyclists that embarked on a seven-week journey across the Alaska Range.


From the historical perspective, saying that "Seoul" Every name, almost related to the Korean national state of mind is directly or indirectly associated. Lee Dynasty in 1394 in the capital, Seoul changed its name, is the pronunciation of the Korean-time training Hansung. In 1910 the Korean Peninsula become a Japanese colony, Japan also renamed it the "capital" is the Japanese pronunciation training time Keijo. In 1945 the liberation of the Korean Peninsula, the capital of the Republic of Korea and Seoul, although I call it the "capital", not to write Chinese characters, only the spelling in Korean, Seoul has become the Korean Peninsula not only mark the Chinese city.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
