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与 沉重 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The annona which was paid in kind was universal, and was a much heavier burden; no land was exempt; the Imperial estates and the domains of ecclesiastical communities had to pay it as well as the lands of private persons.


The inner spatial development is the product of antitheses: of concealing and revealing, heaviness and lightness, regularity and irregularity.


Dark Horse's other songs -- recorded during the summer at Chad Kroeger's converted barn studio in Vancouver -- traverse a wide terrain, from the arcing melodic ebb and flow of the first single,"Gotta Be Somebody" and the metallic groove of "Burn It To The Ground" to the heavy riffery of "Something In Your Mouth" and "The Next Go Round" and the inspiring balladry of "You'll Never Be Alone" and I'd Come For You.

& 黑马的其他歌曲-记在今年夏天在乍得克勒格尔的转换谷仓工作室在温哥华-穿越了广泛的地形,从电弧旋律低潮和流动的首支单曲&爱是要有人&和金属槽的&烧地面&的沉重riffery的&东西你的嘴&和&下一页转到回合&和鼓舞人心的民谣的&你将永远不会被孤立&和&我想现在您。

In a family-centred country, where nearly one in two commercials aired in primetime feature bambini, according to Italy's Observatory on Child Labour, this is a major blow to the advertising industry.


And mournful and with a heavy heart he bewept the extinction of that beam of heaven.


Rendered in a bouncy, optimistic palette of corals, fuchsias, and limes, nearly every look was heavy on the beaded embroidery and topped off with outsized sombreros and bijoux.

提供在一个bouncy ,乐观的调色盘,珊瑚,倒挂金钟,和石灰,几乎每一个期待是沉重的对串珠绣花和达小康与outsized sombreros和珍宝。

To use a heavy, bladed cutting implement in order to chop or fell.


One of the symptoms of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal.

症状之一胆结石是一种感觉, bloatedness后,沉重的膳食。

"I'm very well aware that I'll be bludgeoned by purists, but I love its mythology, and it comes with a pretty hefty paycheck," comments Schwartz.

&我很清楚知道,我将bludgeoned由purists ,但我爱它的神话,它带有一个相当沉重的薪资,&施瓦兹的评论。

That is the golden key to the understanding of"heavy study and weak will"which is also the key point of Zhou Botong's PhD thesis.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。