英语人>网络例句>沉重 相关的搜索结果


与 沉重 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The war and expansion led to the formation of Roman empire,whereas which increased heavy burden to the march of Roman history,but played a promoting role in the formation and development of the Roman Culture.


Mariana views saving money 'as a sort of game' instead of something oppressive.


Marianne: I live every day with a heavy heart. And to those that I...


He showed wonderful marksmanship and hit the enemy hard.


It is a good idea to apply a heavy coat of paste wax before masking the hull.


Strong Death, alone can heave the massy bar


Mr Mulligan however made court to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the classics which as it dwelt upon his memory seemed to him a sound and tasteful support of his contention: Talis ac tanta depravatio hujus seculi, O quirites, ut matres familiarum nostro lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum Romanorum magnopere anteponunt: while for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach, the buck and doe of the forest glade, the farmyard drake and duck.

穆利根先生则对该学者报以脑中所记一段恰如其分之古典引文,根据既充分,又能雍容大方地支持其论点:噫,诸市民,当代道义之颓废,江河日下。吾辈家中妇女,偏爱被温柔男予以手指作淫荡之搔痒,而弃罗马百人队长之沉重辜丸及异常勃起于不顾。[158] 彼并为不够机智者举出更合乎彼等胃口之动物界实例--诸如树林间空地上之公鹿母鹿,农家场院中之公鸭母鸭等,以此类推,阐述要点。

Secondly, the mid-Chinese War of Resistance Against Japan in the military made a series of victories, the Japanese army blocked the footsteps of the west, especially to Japan several times the first 11 elite Army a heavy blow, for example, in the south of Lushan Mountain in several 101,106 World War II to fight residual division, especially the final division of the 106 million Ridge battle to surround and annihilate the body almost the division, but fortunately Matsuura, head of the division is not captured so code division also, but the war has Japanese called Jigokudani,被歼nearly 9,000 people, more than 300 prisoners, only about 2,000 people managed to escape.


He is to be kept to medium size.


The characteristic of MS is haemostasis, moist heat, deficiency of yin and wind-sputum, deficiency of qi and blood. General fatigue, weariness and no desire to speak, quadriplegia, megrim, acroanesthesia and so on are the main characteristics of MS.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
