英语人>网络例句>水溶液 相关的搜索结果


与 水溶液 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Surface tension of the calcium hydroxide solution is higher than that of water when the concentration of additive is the same.


Based on these facts, the properties of films regenerated from new aq. alkali soluble cellulose/NaOH solution with sulfuric acid as coagulator were studied. The structure and morphology of the film was characterized by SEM, and also the influence of coagulator concentration on the film property was studied.


The fry of black seabreamand giant sea perch with 4.0cm-8.5cm using the methods of dyeing, i.e., the fish immersed in the water solution containing comestible pigment, immersion in tetracycline, i.e., the fish immersed in the water solution containing tetracycline, and marking by spraying, i.e., the fish sprayed with fluorescent pigment spraying on the skin of fish, and double marking, i.e., the fish sprayed with fluorescent pigment spraying on the skin of fish after feed with tetracycline, and control group. The survival rates, mark retention rates and hydrology data were separately measured every three days for black sea bream and every two days for giant sea perch. The results were as follows.


The results indicate that the weak election-withdrawing group 4-hydroxymethyl in 4-position of pyridine in 4-HMDPA could weaken the fluorescence intensity of the lanthanide complexes. The contradistinctive experimental results show that the fluorescence intensities of these complexes are related to pH value of the aqueous solution and the dipole moment of solvent molecule: in the neutral aqueous solution,the fluorescence intensities of these complexes were strongest,while the less the dipole moment was,the stronger the fluorescence intensity was.


In recent years, much hard work has been done by scholars from all over the world. These work has mainly involved the denaturation mechanism of proteins in water, in the solution with denaturant and in the solution with other matters.


By using a vitrating digital densimeter (DMA602/60), the densities of glycine and alanine in aqueous methanol, ethanol and propanol solutions were measured at 298.15 K, and the apparent molar volumes calculated. According to McMillan-Mayer approach, the volumetric interaction coefficients were evaluated.

用DMA602/60型震动管数字密度计测定了298.15 K下甘氨酸、丙氨酸分别在纯水和四个不同浓度甲醇、乙醇和丙醇水溶液中的密度,计算了相应的表观摩尔体积,用最小二乘法拟合了氨基酸在醇水溶液中的标准偏摩尔体积。

Outside the drug would depend on the status of the skin, water erosion or swelling, the use of 2% boric acid aqueous solution or aqueous solution of 0.1 lei佛奴Hydropathic, exudate and erosion after the disappearance of topical corticosteroid preparations, such as eczema cream, Qushi oil, cream, etc.


Laboratory data indicate that the water solubility and injectivity of the polymer were good at reservoir conditions.


We can do many interesting experiments in science class. That's why we like science class very much. However, some experiments are difficult and dangerous. For example, something acid and alkaline will erode our body. Besides, indicators are very dangerous. So, be very careful to do any experiments inscience class! This is our experiment in science class.


Through treating 10-20 min with 60-80 times water dilution of the optimum formula emulsion, the corrected mortality of the fly eggs which were placed on the fresh kipper reached 100%, and the quality of dried kipper was affected little.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
