英语人>网络例句>水手 相关的搜索结果


与 水手 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, the sailors mutinied against the captain's unjust use of his power; they seized the ship, and put him in a small boat to float at the mercy of the sea.


The sailors all laughed at me because I walked and neighed like a horse.


Children will relate to this predicament as the newcomer to a game frequently ousts the originator and takes over. In spite of this they become playmates. In fact, Dan's sister's imagination clearly comes into play as the adventure increases in its complexity to include 'pirate clowns juggling plates, while others sing sea-shanties, tell truth-whispering tales and feast on pig, yams and fig'.

但孩子们常会面临新加入的玩伴时常会剥夺起源者的权力并接管整个游戏的处境,尽管这样,他们还是成为很好的玩伴,事实上,正当其他小孩在唱著水手歌,说著海上故事和享受猪肉,马铃薯和无花果大餐, Dan的姊姊,脑海里却浮现了日益复杂和与众不同的剧情&小丑海盗表演牌子杂耍&。

The sirens devoured sailors that happened to pass their islands and succumbed to their songs, however the Argonauts passed safely by as Orpheus outsang the sirens causing the sirens to throw themselves into the sea to die.


Gradually, as the young man falls in love, he persuades her that her sailor will never return.


She knew neither her own potencies, nor the potencies of the world; and the deeps of life were to her seas of illusion.


These sailors were called privateers.


Extensive samples are cited for close, detailed analysis: from Old English Beowulf, Middle English, Shakespeare's tragedies, Macbeth and King Lear, Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariener', the late President Kennedy's 'Inaugural Address', and Lacan's analysis on Poe's 'The Purloined Letter.


SAILORS of old sometimes mistook manatees for mermaids, which shows how months at sea quaffing rum and missing female company can cloud one's vision.


Finally, we read of how Jonah readies himself to die in order to save the terrified sailors, and the Lord appointing a great fish to swallow him whole.


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