英语人>网络例句>水手 相关的搜索结果


与 水手 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A frowsy whore with black straw sailor hat askew came glazily in the day along the quay towards Mr Bloom.


SAILOR 2: Probably in the Fuhrer's Secret Service.


I was loath to spend our last Shot too hastily; so I call'd my Servant, not my Man Friday, for he was better employ'd; for with the greatest Dexterity imaginable, he had charg'd my Fusee, and his own, while we were engag'd; but as I said, I call'd my other Man, and giving him a Horn of Powder, I bad him lay a Train, all along the Piece of Timber, and let it be a large Train; he did so, and had but just Time to get away, when the Wolves came up to it, and some were got up upon it; when I snapping an uncharg'd Pistol, close to the Powder, set it on fire; those that were upon the Timber were scorcht with it, and six or seven of them fell, or rather jump'd in among us, with the Force and Fright of the Fire; we dispatch'd these in an Instant, and the rest were so frighted with the Light, which the Night, for it was now very near Dark, made more terrible, that they drew back a little.


I am the sailor on duty, our captain has asked me to meet you here at the gangway.


He went gayly up to the sailors, who rose as soon as they perceived him; and the patron, accosting him, said,"The Signor Sinbad has left his compliments for your excellency, and desires us to express the regret he feels at not being able to take his leave in person; but he trusts you will excuse him, as very important business calls him to Malaga."


He went gayly up to the sailors, who rose as soon as they perceived him; and the patron, accosting him, said,"The Signor Sinbad has left his compliments for your excel lency, and desires us to express the regret he feels at not being able to take his leave in person; but he trusts you will excuse him, as very important business calls him to Malaga."


He went gayly up to the sailors, who rose as soon as they perceived him; the patron, accosting him, said,"The Signor Sinbad has left his compliments for your excellency, desires us to express the regret he feels at not being able to take his leave in person; 8ttt8.com he trusts you will excuse him, as very important business calls him to Malaga."

他兴冲冲地向水手们走过去,他们一看见他,就马上站起来,船长招呼他说:"辛巴德先生留言向您致意,他不能亲自向您告别,托我们 sSBbWw 转达他的歉意,但他相信您一定 www.8 tt t8.com 会原谅他的,因为8 Tt t 8。 com 有非常重要 ww w.8tt t8.com 的大事召他到马拉加去了。"

The empires of Spain and Portugal followd the course charted by the Genoese sailor, skirting the Gulf coast and the Caribbean Sea, centering in Mexico, and fanning out along the California coast,over the great plains to the north, and southward into Brizil and Peru.


By a 'gentleman of fortune' they plainly meant neither more nor less than a common pirate , and the little scene that I had overheard was the last act in the corruption of one of the honest hands - perhaps of the last one left aboard.


He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment, and gold lace on his hat, which was also encircled by a gold chain, and surmounted with a feather.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
