- 与 比较光谱 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Xe lamp is suitable for ectogenesis experiment of ALA-PDT.
宽光谱、高功率的氙灯对K562细胞的ALA-PDT效果远优于532 nm激光,对体外ALA-PDT实验比较适用。
And at 350 nm excitation, an emission spectrum around 452 nm, similar to that from carotenoid sample, was observed.
Experimental process: jing and 3- methyl -2- methyl ethyl ketonesynthesizes by the benzene zong; Again the glacial acetic acidcatalysis produces 2, 3, 3 - trimethyl - 3H - yinduo; Again has thealkylate response production yinduo iodide after the methyl iodide;The iodide takes off molecular HI under NaOH to become freejier thealkali; Adds 5 - nitryls salicylic aldehydes in the ethyl alcohol forthe solvent under if to respond finally produces 6 '- the nitryl yinduolin spiral benzene and pinan; Through the infrared spectrum andthe ultimate analysis irrevocably proved its structure, and studiedthe annulus with to open the annulus the light to send changes colorthe performance, explained in different solvent medium ultravioletabsorption spectrometry solvent effect, and the comparisondiscoloration the response speed number difference, finally mixed itadds to the methyl methacrylate, the peroxidation benzoin formyl in the plexiglass, tested 6 '- the nitryl yinduolin spiralbenzene and pinan in the glass fatigue resistance, thethermostability.
实验过程:由苯肼和3-甲基-2-丁酮合成腙;再冰醋酸催化生成2 ,3 ,3—三甲基—3H—吲哚;再经过碘甲烷发生烷基化反应生成吲哚碘化物;碘化物在NaOH下脱去一分子HI成为费歇尔碱;在乙醇为溶剂下加5-硝基水杨醛与其反应最后生成6'—硝基吲哚啉螺苯并吡喃;通过红外光谱和元素分析确证其结构,并研究了环体与开环体的光致变色性能,解释了在不同溶剂介质中紫外吸收光谱的溶剂效应,并比较褪色反应速率数的差异,最后将其掺加到甲基丙烯酸甲酯,过氧化二苯甲酰有机玻璃中,测试6'—硝基吲哚啉螺苯并吡喃在玻璃中的抗疲劳性、热稳定性。
Effect of Ca(superscript 2+) on the structural and electrocatalytic properties of horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C was investigated.
通过比较辣根过氧化物酶同工酶C中Ca(上标 2+)移除前后的HRPC的光谱和电化学特性,阐明了Ca(上标 2+)的存在对HRPC的重要作用。
Study on raman spectrum in comparing impurity concentration in water.
Comparison between two kinds of spectral phase interferometry on the accuracy of characterization of complex pulses.
In addition, in comparing of the junction temperature and the light-emitting diode spectrum, we see the junction temperature has certain effect to the decay of the light output power of light-emitting diodes.
A spectral-correction-integral- photometry method and its application in the measurement of the luminous flux of blue LEDs are introduced.
The spectra collected at the two sites are compared to measure muon neutrino disappearance and appearance.
And the orthogonal projection divergence is also performed to measure the spectral similarity to fuse the results of feature extraction.
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In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).