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与 每个 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CDXUTMesh10::ConvertToAdjacencyIndices handles this by creating an index buffer in which every other value is the index of the adjacent vertex of the triangle that shares an edge with the current triangle.

CDXUTMesh10::ConvertToAdjacencyIndices做了这个操作,在这个Index Buffer中,每个其他的值代表和这个三角形共享边的其他三角形的Index。

No one ever got the adjective lively out of a book.


Looking at the world around me, I can not find some adjective words to describe it.


And an optimal operation strategy of any kind of products subject to spoilage at any time is obtained on the basis of the proposition of the model of distributed parameter control systems. Moreover, definite economic explanations to spatial adjoint function and control variables are presented.


The information that the adjoint link transmits is no longer the only basis of each members business decision.


Within the bounds of this law, and the Consilium can adjudicate


And every single one of you stands here as an adjunct to my vision.


Our shoes were designed in the lab and on the road with the idea that we can improve individual's biomechanics through adjustability of key components of the shoe.


The length of time each image appears is also adjustable from 1 to 60 seconds.


This is what everybody is talking about, and can be used by System Administrators, hackers or ordinary users.


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I urge any American living outside the country to get an early start checking his/her registration and receiving an absentee ballot, because it can take a while.


He is too young to join the army.


Over time Winfrey has made the contents of the show more sophisticated and sympathetic, moving away from its sensationalist beginnings to an exploration of spirituality and community which has proved popular particularly with women.
