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与 每个 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, I wasn't there for you on every Father's Day, as well as your birthday.


I know everyone has their fave style of "MC song" and this album has something for everybody...


Make note of how many stuns/silences are on the enemy team.Make note of the overall melee vs ranged balance on the enemy team.Then of course, note any gimmicks they may be running (multiple heals? multiple promotes?) and any champions that are good at countering Fiddlesticks. Cho'gath, Veigar etc


Summers have passed fleetingly since I was your age , but I remember each with poignant clarity.


21 Every battery charger should be able to floating charge the battery group when the voltage of every battery is between 2.17 to 2.25 and offer maximum current for other loads in the meantime. 每个蓄电池充电器应能在每个电池2.17至 2.25伏时浮充蓄电池组,同时向其它负荷供电至满电流。

Floorwalker 巡视员 An employee whose job is to walk throughout a retail store assisting customers with various problems or questions that cannot be handled by other retail employees EXAMPLE: Our department store's best floorwalker was a friendly old employee who had worked in each section of the company and could answer any customer's question without hesitation.


So every girl's flower season must be different.


The artificial flower doctrine that with German botanist Engele is a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm and gymnospermous ball flower agree completely, every stamen and carpel, be equivalent to a male flower that degrades extremely and female flower respectively, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is to come from child plant hemp is yellow kind yellow Ephedra Campylopoda of curved handle hemp, following plan institute are shown, in this tentative idea, the bud of male flower piece turn into perianth, the bud of female flower piece turn into carpel, the small bud of every male flower piece after disappearing, remain a stamen only, female flower small bud piece ovule is remained only after disappearing, ministry of foundations of move unripe Yu Zi.

以德国植物学家恩格勒为代表的假花学说认为被子植物的花和裸子植物的球花完全一致,每个雄蕊和心皮,分别相当于1个极端退化的雄花和雌花,因而设想被子植物是来自棵子植物麻黄类的弯柄麻黄Ephedra campylopoda,如下图所示,在这个设想里,雄花的苞片变为花被,雌花的苞片变为心皮,每个雄花的小苞片消失后,只剩下一个雄蕊,雌花小苞片消失后只剩下胚珠,着生于子房基部。

Each flyweight type, that is, each distinct instantiation of the class template flyweight , is associated with exactly one factory object.

每个flyweight类型,就是说,每个 flyweight 类模板的不同实例,只会有一个相关的工厂对象。

What scientists call "the fraternal birth order effect", the fact that each successive boy born to the same mother has a greater chance of being gay, may be due to an increasing immunological response by a mother's body to each male foetus in her womb.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
