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与 每一小时的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Auer also holds the world's inline skating record, achieved after being dragged by a Porsche at speeds of 305 km per hour.


With the carbon wind strapping to his back, Rossy had leapt out of a small plane at an altitude of 2500 metre over the French coast before jetting off at speeds of morethan 200 kilometre per hour .


Most important in this case, one pulsar eclipses the other briefly every couple of hours.


Meaning: The animal was terrified by the odour of the cheese so much that he was no longer a somnambulist but a steed moving violently at a speed of three miles an hour.


In 2001, a Canadian inventor Jork Brender designed a hand-powered peanut sheller for a village in Mali. In one hour, it can shell about 56 kilograms of peanuts.


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Content of water-soluble material— Disperse about 10 g, accurately weighed, in 800 mL of water, accurately measured, and stir for 1 minute every 10 minutes during the first 30 minutes. Allow to stand for an additional hour, or centrifuge, if necessary. Decant about 200 mL of the aqueous slurry onto a rapid-filtering filter paper in a vacuum filtration funnel, apply vacuum, and collect about 150 mL of the filtrate. Pour the filtrate into a tared 250-mL beaker, weigh accurately, and calculate the weight, in g, of the filtrate, W3, by difference.


To Natasha the doctors took the place of the mother, kissing and rubbing her "bobo," when they declared that all the trouble would soon be over, if the coachman were to drive to the chemist's shop, in Arbatsky Place, and buy—for a rouble and seventy copecks—those powders and pills in a pretty little box, and if those powders were given to the patient in boiled water precisely every two hours, neither more nor less.


Hello, my baby the other day the same way, beginning with fever, cough, a number of the hospital, doctors said that I did not agree with hanging water has to take medicine, and burned the post-retirement diarrhea is still formidable, and I give him to eat mom Mi love and Smecta, every day, eating a packet, eat separately, at least every one hour, one to eat one-third, in addition to feeding all the other things are not fed,(my milk does not have many, and I also to work) if the hungry fed only rice and water points, multi-喂水Oh.


In that accident, a 2005 Camry allegedly raced out of control for a quarter-mile, and sped up to 80 miles per hour from 25, before crashing and killing its driver.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
