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与 残酷的人 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eventually we found a mark on his ear which means he's blooded.The reason why he was abandoned was more difficult to comprehend.Anyhow,the abandoner is bloodless.


But life is harsh, and a man with a warm, generous and sentimental nature may be easily taken in by his cleverer fellowmen,.


His Nevada-based team, which must endure the infamously brutal Lion's Den workouts, has the advantage of training with one of the sport's most respected and recognizable figures.


Saya's dilemma of killing, often brutally, her bloodthirsty half's kind in order to save her other half is the center of the story.


Norman Dain, Beers' biographer, comments,"…other exposés…described treatment in asylums as cruel and inhumane, but most went beyond credulity, so that they were not effective propaganda…".

Norman Dain,比尔斯的传记作者,评论道:&…其他揭发事实…描叙精神病院里的治疗是残酷的和不近人情的,但是大多数不太容易让人相信,因此它们没有起到有效的宣传作用&。

The most abashing one,may be the awareness of the darkness that prevail over light.


But if anyone do otherwise, and whilst he is cruel and implacable towards those that differ from him in opinion, he be indulgent to such iniquities and immoralities as are unbecoming the name of a Christian, let such a one talk never so much of the Church, he plainly demonstrates by his actions that it is another kingdom he aims at and not the advancement of the kingdom of God.


He was merely serving up the same old reassuring myth, so carefully sustained from generation to generation, of a happy bucolic world untouched by the conflicts and savageries of real life, one more episode in the long-running story of Arcadian shepherds and Bourbon milkmaids, of Soviet tractor drivers and Merrie England.

他只不过是将一个同样是老掉牙的神话搬出来给人压惊罢了。这个神话好不容易熬过了一代又一代:快乐的田园生活里,了无纷扰、残酷的现实生活痕迹,是阿卡迪亚牧羊和波旁挤奶姑娘故事的又一章节,是苏维埃拖拉机手和Merrie England的神话。

Doctors treating burns victims have said that some have been so badly injured they will probably die, as Australia continues to count the heartbreaking cost of its most savage bushfire disaster.


It offers a larger cast of characters and a more detailed chronicling of Afghanistan's recent political history than" The Kite Runner", but returns to the same theme: the strength of the human spirit in lives overwhelmed by cruelty.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
