英语人>网络例句>正经的 相关的搜索结果


与 正经的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I gave due inward applause to every object, and then I remembered how old Earnshaw used to come in when all was tidied, and call me a cant lass, and slip a shilling into my hand as a Christmas box; and from that I went on to think of his fondness for Heathcliff, and his dread lest he should suffer neglect after death had removed him; and that naturally led me to consider the poor lad's situation now, and from singing I changed my mind to crying.


I found indeed some Intervals of Reflection, and the serious Thoughts did, as it were endeavour to return again sometimes, but I shook them off, and rouz'd my self from them as it were from a Distemper, and applying my self to Drink and Company, Soon master'd the Return of those Fits, for so I call'd them, and I had in five or six Days got as compleat a Victory over Conscience as any young Fellow that resolv'd not to be troubled with it, could desire: But I was to have another Trial for it still; and Providence, as in such Cases generally it does, resolv'd to leave me entirely without Excuse.


This is one way to distinguish a real terra cotta soldier from a fake one.


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中 [1 3 b ] ,你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍 [1 3 c ] 。

However, Wang's ice-like demeanor and no-nonsense approach to pitching have as much to do with him not getting much attention.


For each of these women rather liked it at first – until the good feeling of it was overwhelmed by the traditional voice, the voice of Chinese sexual prudery, which insists that such things are bad.


At the end, I was of course arrested and your father became the hero of the hour: more indeed than the hero of the hour merely: your family now ranks, strangely enough, with the Immortals: for with that grotesqueness of effect that is as it were a Gothic element in history, and makes Clio the least serious of all the Muses, your father will always live among the kind pure-minded parents of Sunday school literature[13b], your place is with the Infant Samuel, and in the lowest mire of Malebolge[13.1] I sit between Gilles de Retz[13.2] and the Marquis de Sade

最 终当然是我被捕入狱,而你父亲则成了一时英雄。何止是一时英雄,你们家莫名其妙地跻身于神仙圣人之列。好像历史也带上了一点哥特式的离奇古怪,从而使历史和史诗之神克里奥成了众缪斯中最不正经的一位。靠着这份离奇古怪,结果是你父亲在主日学校的文学里将永远活在那些个心地和善纯良的父母之中[13b],你将与少年塞缪尔并列,而在地狱最底层的污渎中,我将与崇拜撒旦的雷斯和性变态的萨德侯爵为伍

Some of them simply dreads those iron men, as they call them, those machines for hewing the coal, where men always did it before.


There were no handles or keyholes, but possibly the panels, if they were doors, as I supposed, opened from within.


Aside from coffee, qat (a narcotic leaf chewed by Somalis), horticulture and a little tourism, Ethiopia is one of Africa's very few countries that still has virtually no serious private business —and thus few jobs—outside the state sector.

除了咖啡、 qat(索马利族吃的一种有毒叶子)、园艺和零星的旅游业是私有部门以外,埃塞俄比亚同其它几个非洲国家一样,几乎没有正经的私有企业,所以很少有人在么企工作。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
