英语人>网络例句>正方形 相关的搜索结果


与 正方形 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aida i s made up of tiny s quare s .


In the following figures , shade the least number of squares to construct figures with reflectional symmetry .


Basically, if you want to move around the coordinates on the Gann Wheel you take the number you are interested in ( such as the all time High or Low price) take the square root of the number, then add or subtract 2 from the root and resquare the result.

基本上,如果你在 Gann 上的坐标周围移动旋转你记下你所数字感兴趣的拿数字的正直根,然后从根和再正方形结果或减去 2。

Plant branching from lower part of stem, branchlets stout; leaf blade ovate; capsule subglobose or subsquare, apex retuse, winged; seeds with appendage

来自茎,小枝粗的下半部分的植株分枝;叶片卵形蒴果近球形或者近正方形,先端微凹,具翅;种子具附属物 31

Any tendency to stiltiness or to cowhocks or bowhocks is a serious fault.


For square and regularly triangular cross sections, a generic morphological transition sequence, from perpendicular lamellae to parallel lamellae to concentric lamellae or trifurcate lamellae is predicted with increasing the surface preference.


It was found that the central metal ion is located at the symmetric center of the molecule. Four oxygen atoms from two H2O molecules and two 〔C6H4(CO2)2〕2- groups are coordinated with copper ion to form a similar planar square coordination configuration. There is one only unidentate coordination bond between O(1) in 〔C6H4(CO2)2〕2- and Cu2+.


The pillar itself stands enclosed within a square vedika or fence, demarcating the sacred space.


Jinpei's bolos and Ryu's cable fired from opposite sides of the square, and suddenly there were hands on her.

Jinpei's 的大刀和 Ryu's 的电缆从正方形的相反边点燃,而且突然有在她上的手。

He then says:"So many of the Chows today are being developed so that the legs are entirely too short, and the body instead of being square, is oblong. Let us not only breed for a magnificent head and a tremendously wide chest, but let us develop a Chow proportionately; body, legs, head and gait; if we are going to glorify our Chows, we must keep them properly balanced."


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
