英语人>网络例句>正方形 相关的搜索结果


与 正方形 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A comparison of the existing sound source model for calculating transfer matrix of two-dimensional rectangular acoustic cavity is performed in this paper.


It may be squre, but more often, rectangular.


The result is that center frequency shifts to low-frequency with increase of incident angle under oblique incidence, the band width narrows correspondingly, for both square element arrangement and regular triangle arrangement.


The results show that the most stable P5 is the doublet state of b isomer evolved from regular tetrahedron P4 while the most stable P(superscript + subscript 5) and P(superscript - subscript 5) are the singlet state of e, j isomers evolved from square P4, respectively.

结果表明,最稳定的P5为由正四面体的P4演变来的b结构的二重态,P(上标+下标 5)和P(上标-下标 5)则为由正方形P4演变来的e结构和j结构的单重态。

For two possible geometric structures,square and regular tetrahedron,the electronic structures of ground state and structure parameters of the O_4,O-_4 and O+_4 are calculated according to the principle of minimum energy.


No matter what polarization of the incident electromagnetic wave, element's transmission characteristics for the regular triangle arrangement is more stable than that of square arrangement.


For the symmetric diblock copolymers, the cross sections of the confining channels are of different shapes including regular triangle, square and ellipse.


Based on the multifunctional demand for the effective heat transfer performance ata specified pumping power and structural stiffness,the thermo-mechanical performance of Kagome cells was studied in comparison with the traditional regular triangle,square and hexagon cells with low relative density.


I have noticed though that when I import a model made in Rhino that many of the maps are rectangular or square in UV Mapper Pro until I remap them.

可是我注意到当我用Rhino输入一个模型的时候,如果我用UV Mapper Pro重新绘图的时候,图形的许多网格是矩形的和正方形的。

Firstly, this paper uses the method of renormalization group to deal with the Ising Model of equilibrium phase transition and calculate and compare the critical index of the model of square cell with different lattices, which leads to the finding that the size of Kadanoff cell have greater influence on the approximate treatment of interactions between cells.

本文首先用重正化群方法处理了平衡相变的Ising模型,计算了不同格点数的正方形元胞模型的临界指数并进行对比,发现Kadanoff 元胞的大小对元胞间相互作用的近似处理影响较大。

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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
