英语人>网络例句>横跨 相关的搜索结果


与 横跨 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aerial An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River.


This bridge was famous for its extraordinary coloured drawings inside the wooden house. Its flexuous body was across River Reuss, canopied by wooden roof and covered by fresh flowers outside the bridge wall.


The High Tatras, tallest of the Western Carpathian range, straddle the border of Slovakia and Poland and have been declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.


This is the same guy that made a solo trip across the Pacific in 1999 on a catamaran made from recycled beer barrels.


You can't across a chasm in two small jumps.


Called shan in Ladakhi, irbis in Mongolian, and barfani chita—snow cheetah—in Urdu, the carnivore scientists label Uncia uncia ranges across about a million square miles and portions of 12 nations.

雪豹在拉达克语被称为shan,蒙古语是irbis,乌尔都语则是barfani chita,食肉动物科学家将横跨约250万平方公里、涵盖了12个国家的地区归为雪豹分布区。

That he was a handsome and imposing man, a member of a romantic minority, that he played with Charlie Parker, that he spans generations, that he underwent various addictions, that he married Cicely Tyson, that he dressed well, that Jean-Luc Godard liked him, that he wore shades and was very cool, that he himself said little about his work, and so on.

知道他曾是个英俊潇洒,气势凌人的男人,浪漫与神秘的少数民族的一份子,他曾和查利帕克一起演奏过,他的魅力与功业以横跨好几个世代,他曾熬过毒瘾的浩劫,他娶了西丽泰森为妻,他对穿著很有品味,知道尚卢高达(Jean-Luc Godard )喜欢他,他经常戴著太阳眼镜而且整个人超酷的,他自己甚少提及他的工作等等。

Called "Spoonbridge and Cherry," this sculpture, including the pond it spans, was designed for the Sculpture Garden by hu**and and wife team, Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen.

这个叫做"汤匙桥和樱桃"的雕塑,连同它所横跨的池塘,是由Claes Oldenburg和Coosje van Bruggen这对夫妻档为雕塑公园设计的。

Daily satellite images show a dynamic cloudiness across the whole of south and central China.


We started the official tour of the Colorado Plateau on the third day of the trip.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
