英语人>网络例句>横跨 相关的搜索结果


与 横跨 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At around 7:15 AM, Tungus natives and Russian settlers in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal observed a huge fireball moving across the sky, nearly as bright as the Sun.


It also includes a coastal highway stretching across the country from Tunisia to Egypt .


Production costs are fairly high as books can be typeset in one location, printed in a second and bound in a third, many of these in continental Europe.


Their firm have contracted to build a dou 5 ble-purpose u bridge ac n ross the river.


For he had been sailing across an uncharted sea, with no earthly guide to direct him.


Undiplomatic Activities is filled with anecdotes and tall tales from an extraordinary career that spanned the second half of the twentieth century: from junior diplomat in Cold War Moscow to secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra, via the capitals of Europe, Africa, Asia, the USA, and the United Nations.

非外交活动充满了秘史和荒诞不经的故事,而且很多非比寻常的外交工作横跨20世纪的二分之一之久:从莫斯科冷战时期的初阶外交官到坎培拉的外交外贸部门之部长,Richard Woolcott历经欧洲、非洲、亚洲、美国与联合国之间处理外交事务。

The spectacular vermilion orange span of the Golden Gate Bridge.


All this has raised fears that, under foreign influences, a radical Wahhabism may take root in Bosnia and in the Sandzak region that straddles the border of Serbia and Montenegro.


All winter long they had been talking with Native Americans about a water route across the west.


But in 1994, molecular biologist Raul Cano of California Polytechnic State University extracted DNA from a weevil that was trapped in amber 120 to 135 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
