- 与 模糊理论 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Group decision making ; fuzzy theory ; fuzzy preference relation ; best alternative
With the development of the understanding about the objective world, the theory of fuzzy sets, neural network, and Petri net has been extensively studied in various fields of engineering.
This paper researches the basic principle of fuzzy retrieval on multimedia data semantics, designs a fuzzy reasoning mechanism of Agent knowledge base, puts the fuzzy algorithm wich reasoning is forward or backword,and relevant implementation is presented as well.
引 言目前计算机科学的许多研究正沿着&智能化&的方向发展,多媒体数据库的复杂查询正面临着新的挑战〔1〕。因此,将语义学、多 Agent系统、知识库、模糊理论、人工智能等领域知识综合,运用于多媒体数据库数据语义的模糊检索,有着极其重要的研究意义。
In this manner, not only the error of design decision can be reduced, but the efficience of the decision making can also be improved.
- 推荐网络例句
The Porsche Owner: But it's my car!
LOX_83}{Oh, another bunch of wackos.
It is difficult to fit a suit on him because he is so irregularly built.