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与 概要的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Needle taking place is commonly used the rescue that changes cure and danger to weigh a patient at patient of children, tumour, in infusion, because secure not firm outside can bringing about syringe needle slippery haemorrhage to be in charge of, cause local strut, aching, serious person can send infiltration of the certain pharmaceuticals that change cure to cause subcutaneous tissue hypodermically necrotic or the liquid cannot be defeated in time note and illness of incur loss through delay, new puncture increases the patient's anguish not only, also increased economic burden to also can be affected at the same time to the patient nurse working quality, the course relapses clinical experiment, my division adopts vein to accept the annular and fixed method of buy needle, obtained better result, introduce as follows now. 1 method is taken fixed stick (needle taking place is deployed) together, the disinfection that wide 10cm controls wraps cloth, two paragraphs of end are seamed on after sticking glue to buckle vein to leave buy needle puncture to succeed, convention is secured with adhesive plaster, next the ground degree of tightness will take stalk of handle of buy pinhead, needle, needle to be in firmly aptly fixed and fixed stick , next annular in blood-vessel twine stick on stick buckle. 2 experience apply this method to secure vein to left buy needle method to reduce the patient's anguish, reduced cost, provided mobile space for the patient, also avoid heparin cap prolapse, still facilitate observation puncture is nodded, do not affect hematic use, gauze pad can alleviate heparin cap is oppressive and unwell, reduce infusion pollution.

概要: 留置针常用于小儿、肿瘤患者化疗及危重患者的抢救,在输液中,由于固定不牢可导致针头滑出血管外,引起局部肿胀,疼痛,严重者可致某些化疗药物渗入皮下造成皮下组织坏死或液体不能及时输注而延误病情,重新穿刺不仅增加病人的痛苦,也给病人增加了经济负担同时也会影响护理工作质量,经过反复临床实验,我科采取静脉留置针的环形固定方法,取得了较好的效果,现介绍如下。1方法取固定贴一块,宽10cm左右的消毒包布,两段端缝上粘胶扣静脉留置针穿刺成功后,常规用胶布固定,然后将根据松紧适宜将留置针头、针柄、针梗处牢牢固定固定贴,然后在血管中环形缠绕粘上粘扣。2心得应用此方法固定静脉留置针方法减少了患者的痛苦,降低了费用,为患者提供了活动的空间,也避免肝素帽脱垂,还便于观察穿刺点,不影响血运,纱布衬垫可缓解肝素帽压迫不适,减少输液污染。

The study brings forward the basic conception of spatial information system for Chinese terrestrial ecosystem.Based on reviews of recent spatialization technology research of meteorology and climate information at home and abroad,we appraised virtue of methods in existence and discussed the model of spatial distribution of meteorology and climate information.


Take as a single example this easily overlooked little passage from the rondo of the 23rd piano concerto; it is, in its essence, nothing more than a functional bit of connective tissue taking us from one place to another within the movement's structure. Ten brief bars—about 10 seconds—of basic scalar material, doing its job efficiently and economically. But it is at the same time so richly and amusingly characterized, so full of piping energy, with its determined but struggling piano line climbing its stutteringly inexorable way up to the note E, punctuated along its course by deadpan commentary from the winds, sneaking in the D natural that signals the change of key with almost undetectable sleight of hand—the passage almost constitutes a miniature comic universe all by itself.

请听这段在《第23钢琴协奏曲》中常常被人忽视的回旋曲( http://img.slate.com/media/87/7_mozart488.asf ),没有哪个功能性连结段能比它更好地仅通过乐章结构就将听众带入另一个世界,长约10秒钟的概要部分(brief bars of basic scalar material)不仅经济有效地发挥其职能,同时又表现出丰富、诙谐的特色,充满木管乐器的活力,伴随着坚决但阻碍不断的钢琴的快速音群移入E大调,其行进过程不时被管乐器部加以修饰、注解,自然而然的转为D大调,转调手法之娴熟几乎无法察觉——这段音乐本身创造出一个微缩的喜剧世界。

In recent years, with fast emergence of Internet, Internet is it is it offer best channel of message and enter the traditional field of circulation progressively to collect to become day by day already, Internet step regional and the interaction make it have unresistable advantage during the competition with traditional media trade and traditional trade trade, therefore development is very fast.

概要 近年来,随着Internet的迅速崛起,互联网已日益成为收集提供信息的最佳渠道并逐步进入传统的流通领域,互联网的跨地域性和可交互性使其在与传统媒体行业和传统贸易行业的竞争中具不可抗拒的优势,因而发展十分迅速。

Signs of the times: government bureaucracies funding themselves by foisting debt on state-owned business enterprises; local governments raising capital by selling land at sky-high prices to corporations they own; and a People's Bank of China lavishing liquidity on the entire system in a way that makes Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke look downright stingy.


To control the infection inside the courtyard, raise my area the alexipharmic quality of medical establishment, carry out deep " law of contagion prevention and cure " and " alexipharmic government measure ", the comprehensive examination that had alexipharmic keeping apart at belonging to a hospital to 18 areas of area under administration in December 2005, report the examination as follows as a result now. 1 object and method monitor 18 area class hospitals, the inject room to these hospitals, acupuncture room, examine division, department of stomatology, department of gynaecology and obstetrics, surgery, supply room according to disinfection technical standard undertook alexipharmic monitoring, the disappear venom in including to use catchs surface of bacterium quantity, air, object, cure to protect what number of bacterium colony of personnel hand bacterium, ultraviolet ray lamp sterilizes the effect to determine.

概要: 为了控制院内感染,提高我区医疗机构的消毒质量,深入贯彻《传染病防治法》和《消毒管理办法》,于2005年12月对辖区的18所区属医院进行了消毒隔离的全面检查,现将检查结果报告如下。1对象和方法监测区级医院18所,对这些医院的注射室、针灸室、检验科、口腔科、妇产科、手术室、供给室按照消毒技术规范进行了消毒监测,包括使用中的消毒液染菌量、空气、物体表面、医护人员手细菌菌落数、紫外线灯消毒效果的测定。

Besides a brief introduction of the main process of the origin and creation of the parliament before Lancaster Dynasty, the establishment of constitutional system and the acquirement of its fundamental authority, this chapter mainly investigates the parliamentary authority and role during two abolitions of royal power during the 14th century.


You need multi-region PAL/NTSC DVD player to view it in USA/Canada: LANGUAGES: English ( Dolby Digital 5.1 ), English, ANAMORPHIC WIDESCREEN (2.35:1), SPECIAL FEATURES: Cast/Crew Interview, Featurette, Interactive Menu, Making Of, Scene Access, Trailer, SYNOPSIS: The film stars Michael Fassbender as Bobby Sands, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (Bobby Sands was not a member of the IRA he was a member of the Irish National Liberation Army but acted with the IRA as part of a broader Irish Republican movement within the Long Kesh prison where this movie occurs) member who led the 1981 Irish hunger strike and participated in the no wash protest (led by Brendan "The Dark" Hughes) in which Republican prisoners tried to win political status.

你需要多地区PAL / NTSC制式的DVD播放机,以查看美国/加拿大:语言:英文(杜比数字5.1),英语,变形宽屏幕(2.35:1),特色:铸铁/船员面试,Featurette,互动菜单,利用,现场访问,预告片和概要:影星迈克尔法斯本德为鲍比金沙,临时爱尔兰共和军的(波比金沙是不是爱尔兰共和军成员,他是一个成员在爱尔兰民族解放军,但与爱尔兰共和军担任爱尔兰的一个更广泛的范围内长期凯什监狱,在那里发生的共和党这部电影运动的一部分)的成员谁领导了1981年爱尔兰绝食抗议中没有洗的布伦丹领导,其中共和党囚犯试图争取政治地位。

Then, we take forward to the Distributed Merging Algorithm, a hierarchical structure to discover the stream synopsies from all leaves to root node, through setting the precision gradient to optimize the communication load and overhead of distributed system.

并提出了基于Lossy Counting算法的、分布式的合并算法DMA的一种分层结构来发现从叶子结点直至根结点的概要结构,并通过设置精确梯度使网络数量最小及数据中心和网络链接所消耗的计算资源最小来优化分布式系统的通信负载。

With the deepening of our urbanization the population of peasants resulted by land expropriation increases day by day and most of their living employment and social security matters are unsettled. the serious damage of legal rights to peasants who have lost their land has affected the normed urbanization and the stability of the society.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
