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Pass " of word of antonym word coupling or the statistical analysis that ","OR" uses a case actually in daily language, can see,"Or the meaning;" that " comparing "OR" conveys " of extract of " of logistic coupling word on taller frequency or after " and "OR" are advanced exchangeability respect difference is not big;"OR" compares " perhaps " more is upper the tendentiousness; that reveals a choice serves as antipathic choice,"OR" compares " or " show is more apparent.

概要: 通过对语词联结词"或者"、"OR"在日常语言中实际使用情况的统计分析,可以看出,"或者"比"OR"在更高的频率上表达逻辑联结词"析取"的涵义;"或者"和"OR"在前后项的可交换性方面差别不大;"OR"比"或者"更多地表现出选择的倾向性;作为不相容选择关系的"OR"比"或者"其前后项更多地满足逻辑排中律;在和其他联结词的相互转化方面,"OR"比"或者"表现更为明显。

The author raises experience to the level of theory by generalizing and approaches the construction of digital library.


Look from the angle of world history, marxism philosophy is the earliest be by the Li Dazhao of Italian Labuliaola, China, revive the cause on the river of Russian Buhalin, Japan introduces university estrade.

概要: 从世界历史的角度看,马克思主义哲学最早是由意大利的拉布里奥拉、中国的李大钊、苏俄的布哈林、日本的河上肇引入大学讲坛的。

In the 2006 CBC Massey Lectures — the bestselling and most eagerly anticipated lecture series of the year — renowned ethicist and McGill University professor Margaret Somerville tackles some of the most contentious issues of our times, and proposes a brilliant new kind of ethical language and thought to help us navigate them.


Social progress and development, result from the abundance of wisdom of wisdom; mankind and progress, result from the mankind is right " foregone " master and be opposite " sealed " the extraordinary splendour ray that explores; life value, result from the motivation of life.

概要: 社会的进步和发展,源于人类的聪明;人类聪明的丰富和长进,源于人类对"已知"的把握和对"未知"的探索;人生价值的异彩光线,源于生命之动力。

After a brief argument, which he couldn't hear, but involved Crews gesturing at Dani's bare feet and the pedals of the Maserati, Dani begrudgingly got in the passenger side of the car, and immediately began yawning again.


Synopsis:"Ponyo" is a story inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" in which a young and overeager goldfish named Ponyo seeks to become human.


The nucleus pulposus of scoliotic discs responds to exogenous stimuli by secreting interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other inflammatory cytokines.


At first, Max Sanders' diary seems like any other entry on a teenager's blog but closer reading reveals an incredible adventure story...James Sanders is a professor of history who becomes obsessed by the need to recover the long-sundered hide of a fantastical creature, its separate parts strewn in sacred sites and hidden temples throughout the world.


Eddie Chapman was a womaniser, blackmailer and safecracker. He was also a great hero - the most successful double agent of the Second World War. Chapman became the only British national ever to be awarded an Iron Cross for his work for the Reich. He was also the only German spy ever to be parachuted into Britain twice.

中文概要: Eddie Chapman是个勒索者、保险箱窃贼、沈溺於女色的人,却也是个伟大的英雄,他是二次大战最成功的双面间谍,英国史上唯一获得德国军人最高荣誉--铁十字勋章的人,也是唯一一位成功跳伞潜入英国两次的德国间谍。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
