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与 概要的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hyperspectral remote sensing data has the characteristic of combining both image data and spectral data into one data set, each pixel of a hyperspectral image an entire spectrum (consisting of numerous contiguous, narrow spectral bands) is present. Compared with conventional multi-spectral remote sensing data, hyperspectral remote sensing data can be more useful for the identification and classification of surface Materials. In this paper, the author classified the coastal area using hyperspectral remote sensing data, and further more, succeeded in extraction of sand beach surface information related to bearing capacity characteristic.


Literature is anthropologic hold anthropologic with intellectual globalization, hind the relation of contemporary epistemological, from anthropologic the interaction with literature have sth in mind of this new point of view, appear separate out power of thinking of the Fan Shige that idea of creation of 20 centuries literature changes to study with literature's new important science.

概要: 文学人类学把握住人类学和知识全球化、后现代熟悉论的关系,从人类学和文学的相互功能这个新角度着眼,透析出20世纪文学创作观念变革和文学探究的范式革新的一个重要学术思想动力。

Learning this course can make students understand the general theory structure of this science, and deepen their comprehension to the psychological knowledge. this course can expand students' views, and can be used as the psychological abecedarium .


At first,it andlyxes generally the im-portant historical signifcance that it is the first time to discuss and point out thesense of value of humanism throught criticizing fendal dictatorialism and itsethics,absorbing the traditional humanism theories and accepting the influ-ences of foreign humanism theories during the Ideological Inform Movement.


While symptoms may seem to improve almost immediately after surgery, it takes approximately 6-12 months before new vessels develop sufficiently. Diseases associated with moyamoya include sickle cell anemia, atherosclerosis, prior radiation therapy to the skull base in children, and less commonly neurofibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, meningitis, retinitis pigmentosa, fibromuscular dysplasia, Down's syndrome and Fanconi's anemia.

手术之后几乎立即可以看到症状的好转,新的血供充分发展起来大概要花6-12月时间。moyamoya相关的疾病包括镰状细胞性贫血、动脉粥样硬化、颅底部放疗,不太常见的有神经纤维瘤病,结节性硬化、脑膜炎、色素性视网膜炎、纤维性肌发育不良、Down氏综合症和Fanconi's 贫血症

Two new data structures TOPSIS-Tree and RELIS are devised to maintain potential significant itemsets and mined results, respectively. Moreover, three optimal strategies are exploited to reduce time and space consumption of the algorithms:(1) pruning impotent nodes in the newest basic window whenever a sliding window updates,(2) promoting support threshold during mining process dynamically, and (3) adjusting pruning threshold adaptively and heuristically.


This paper briefly describes the ALIS System of Nippon Steel Corp, the Advanced Go-Stop System of Kawasaki Steel Corp, the expert system for abnormal furnace condition diagnosis and furnace heat control in NKK Corp and the Hybrid Expert System in Kashima blast furnace of Sumitomo Ltd.

本文概要介绍新日铁高炉的人工智能技术应用情况与ALIS系统、川崎制铁的AdVanced Go-Stop系统、日本钢管的异常炉况诊断专家系统与炉热控制专家系统,以及住友金属鹿岛厂的混合专家系统。

Through introducing the backgrounds, outlines and contents of wide area green space system planning of Japan, and analyzing its main characteristics, the experiences and lessons in wide area green space system planning are explored, which could provide some inspirations for the current research work of municipally administered area green space system planning in China.


The hazardous ignition source possibly emerging in industrial application and the course of standardizing the nonelectrical apparatus for explosive gas atmosphere in Europe are introduced.


Philippa Gregory,"the queen of royal fiction" Presents the first of a new series set amid the deadly feuds of England known as the Wars of the Roses.

概要 菲莉帕格雷戈里,&皇家小说女王&第一个出版了,作为玫瑰战争称为英格兰致命的争斗中的的一个新的系列小说。

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
