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Further,in illustra- ting the principles of designing an U-shaped floating dock which is used for docking of 10,000 tons-class merchant ship s as an example,the author solved and analyzed the problems regarding to longitudinal strength of floating dock and the ship docked therein with the use of theorem of beams on elastic foundation.


The film " floret " it is very successful that music is applied.

概要: 电影《小花》的音乐运用是很成功的。

Introduce what fiber-optic frit accepts blemish to identify the principal port in fiber-optic communication.

概要: 介绍光纤熔接缺陷的识别在光纤通信中的重要意义。

Bella knew there must be more to life than a series of casual jobs working for increasingly freakish bosses and drinking tea in her Glebe kitchen each night.

中文概要:贝拉知道生活不仅仅是日益古怪老板手下的一系列兼职工作和每个夜晚在她那Glebe 厨房里的饮茶。

These detailed work includes requirement analysis,outline design,front and back grogram detailed design and coding .


A typical CEO of a FORTUNE 500 company will have two to three gut-wrenching decisions a week to make.

一个典型的《财富》500 大企业总裁,一个星期中大概要作2 至3 个令人极度为难的决

Summary of Background Data. Hemothorax is a known rare postoperative complication of anterior spinal scoliosis surgery. However, spontaneous HT has never been described as a late complication,in relationship to diaphragm movement over the anterior instrumentation material.


Operation of displacement of complete hip joint is 20 centuries a great progress on medical history, it is painful to removed for patients of a lot of disease of terminal hip joint, make they can go up too the life of high quality.

概要: 全髋关节置换手术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)是20世纪医学史上的一项伟大进步,为许多晚期髋关节疾病患者解除了痛苦,使他们能过上高质量的生活。

It is information in a summary form and does not purport to be complete.


Latter-day country of Japan literature is inchoative Yu Guoxue, it is a main field in humanities from beginning to end, also be the authoritative subject that studies Japanese literature.

概要: 日本的近代国文学发端于国学,始终是人文学科中一个重要领域,也是探究日本文学的权威学科。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
