英语人>网络例句>检疫 相关的搜索结果


与 检疫 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Eupatorium odoratum is a poisonous, aggressive quarantine weed. It is widely distributed in warm and humid tropical regions including Southern America, Asia, Africa, Australia and other countries, which has now become a serious weed in south China.

飞机草Eupatorium odoratum是一种有毒、侵占性极强的检疫性杂草,广泛分布于南美洲、亚洲、非洲、澳洲30多个国家的热带地区,目前已侵入我国南方各省并肆孽成灾。

The standard and quantificational pest risk analysis methods, expeditiousness of quarantine identification, security of eradication method and globalization of management information system were the trends of management ideas in preventing alien invasive species.


As Australia has a federal system of government, the powers of the Commonwealth Parliament are limited to areas of national importance such as trade and commerce, taxation, postal services, foreign relations, defence, immigration, naturalization, quarantine, currency and coinage, weights and measures, copyright, patents and trade marks.


If they deem it necessary, quarantine authorities shall require incoming travellers to file health declaration cards.


A consignor or an agent thereof for the transportation of a corpse or human remains into or out of this country must file a declaration with the frontier health and quarantine office; such transportation into or out of this country shall not be allowed until the sanitary inspection is passed.


Shanghai Ronghua High-pressure Vessel Co., Ltd was established in 1978 and became a stock company in 1998, it professionally produces various kinds of gas cylinders and high-pressure vessels. Our factory occupies 26800 square meters and the floorage occupies 15000 square meters.


During quarantine, weekly treatments with formalin (25 mg/L) are reasonable and likely to avert serious illness in many cases.

检疫,每周治疗与福尔马林( 25毫克/升)是合理的和可能,以避免严重的疾病,在许多情况下。

In countries like the United States, this fruit fly is considered a pest of quarantine significance.


Methyl bromide is the most commonly used fumigant in quarantine treatment.


Phosphine is recognized as a quarantine fumigant mainly for stored grain.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
