- 与 梯子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Many people discovered that the ladders rest the wrong wall when they clambered to the top of the ladders.
Many people climb to the top of ladders, and finally find the ladders are against the wrong walls.
Keep in mind that metal ladders conduct electricity so be careful where you place them.
This paper presents an intelligent and rapid design system for stairs and plats of container crane based on the combination of the theory of knowledge based engineering with the design of stairs and plats of container crane. 3D parametric graphic software SolidWorks is redeveloped by program language Visual C++ which is object-oriented programming.
应用面向对象的程序设计语言Visual C++对三维参数化图形设计软件SolidWorks进行二次开发,将知识工程的思想与集装箱起重机梯子平台的设计相结合,开发出基于知识工程的集装箱起重机梯子平台智能快速设计系统(Intelligent and Rapid Design System for Stairs and Plats of Container Crane, IRDS-SPCC)。
Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.
Many people climb the top of the ladder, they found the wrong ladder frame wall .
A poet is a man who puts up a lad de r to a star and climbs it while playing a violin.
Providing a ladder for vine-growing plants, such as pumpkins, to grow on provides the same effect.
M: I've just brought your ladder back. Thanks for lending it to me. Where shall I leave it?
D 男士说:我把你的梯子拿回来了,谢谢你借给我梯子,我要放在哪里?
My dad went to get a ladder and when he got back, he found another baby bird on the ground.
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They weren't aggressive, but I yelled and threw a rock in their direction to get them off the trail and away from me, just in case.
In slot 2 in your bag put wrapping paper, quantity does not matter in this case.
Store this product in a sealed, lightproof, dry and cool place.