英语人>网络例句>桥下 相关的搜索结果


与 桥下 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beijing, China: A man is reflected casting his net from a footbridge over an oil slick on a river

中国 北京一男子站在天桥上收网,桥下是油污的河流。

Came the sound of wind, she looked with fan, under the Tonggui bridge is a beautiful scenery, silver chain post horse, boat beauty.


The project used in conjunction with three holes of a prestressed continuous box girder design, layout for cross-bridge 30m +30 m +30 m, two-way four-lane bridge to meet current conditions, after the completion of the construction of the bridge under the bridge to meet the 8-lane two-way traffic conditions.


To step out of the glitter and bustle of the station----rather weary and jaded with the long journey from Milan----straight on to the landing stage against which the water of the Grand Canal is lapping, to step on board a gondola and to go gliding down the dark, broad, silent highway, with dim-lit, ghostly palaces on either hand; not till memory forsakes you will you forget this experience.

从米兰出发,旅程令人疲惫不堪,终是到达威尼斯。走出灯火通明、熙攘喧嚣的车站,便踏上了栈桥。桥下,只听得大运河水轻轻舐岸。坐上贡多拉( Gondola,两头尖的平底船,威尼斯一大特色),穿行于宽敞的水道间,夜色迷漫,静谧幽远。两岸宫殿里烛影绰绰,显得幽森诡异。

When Bolt threatens to drop Mittens from the overpass unless she tells him where Penny is, the bus from Speed (1994/I)(with 2525 on the roof) passes underneath.


In fact, there were 485 lions altogether according to a 1962 count. In 1979 one more was discovered in the river, bringing the total number to 486. These stone lions are of great artistic value. On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear pricked up, as if listening intently to the sounds of t


In fact, there were 485 lions altogether according to a 1962 count. In 1979 one more was discovered in the river, bringing the total number to 486. These stone lions are of great artistic value. On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear pricked up, as if listening intently to the sounds of the


These stone lions are of great artistic value. On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear prickedup, as if listening intently to the sounds of the water underneath and the conversation of the people passing by. On July 7, 1937, the first shot of the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-1945) rang out beside the Lugou Bridge.


These stone lions are of great artistic value. On one of the balusters at the southeast end of the bridge sits a lion with an ear pricked up, as if listening intently to the sounds of the water underneath and the conversation of the people passing by. On July 7,1937, the first shot of the War of Resistance Against Japan(1937--1945) rang out beside the Lugou Bridge.


I will only pass gas underneath the covers and under the direst of circumstances.


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John Robbins lives with his family in Santa Cruz, California.


The international background is mainly the economic ties among different nations tented to be widen and deepen at the peace and development times.


Brian:Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop.
