- 与 根株 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In "Avatar," every blade of grass, every cloud in the sky, every vine in the jungle existed digitally and had to be stored somewhere.
The result was a dizzying amount of data—every blade of grass, every cloud in the sky, every vine in the jungle existed digitally and had to be stored somewhere.
With the Sand culture method, influences of different magnesium levels (0%、50%、100%、150%、200% and 300%) was explored to the wheat seedlings of different stages. Many targets such as plant height, root length, biomass, content of chlorophyll, activity of root, RGY, RGR and ratio of root to crown of the wheat were mensurated at the time of 7d, 15d and 30d of two leaves stage of wheat seedlings after their endosperms were removed at different magnesium levels.The results showed that different magnesium levels had unlike influences over the wheat seedlings.
The test results of acute toxicity were examined with Pearson's degree of fitting. The results indicated that the silkworm was extremely sensitive to Chlorantraniliprole. The median lethal concentration (LC50) was 4.0905×10^(-3) mg/L and median lethal dose (LD50) was 1.1435×10^(-8) mg/larva for the 3rd instar newly exuviated larvae. No toxicity was observed when normal concentrations of Chlorantraniliprole were used to fumigate the silkworm rearing room. Both irrigation and leaf spraying with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution showed strong systemic transmission properties in root, leaf and whole plant. The residual toxic period of this insecticide to silkworm was very long. Mulberry leaves sprayed with 1.25×10^(-4) mg/L Chlorantraniliprole solution could still cause 100% mortality of the 3 and 5 instar larvae after 60 d. Furthermore, toxic reaction was very quick. The poisoning symptoms emerged within 1~5 h after feeding on the poisonous leaves. The poisoned larvae experienced such symptoms as stopping ingestion, remaining still, vomiting slightly and body atrophy sequentially, and died ultimately.
食下毒力试验结果经Pearson拟合度检验表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺对3龄起蚕的食下致死中浓度(LC50)为4.0905×10^(-3)mg/L,致死中量(LD50)为1.1435×10^(-8)mg/头;药剂在常规浓度下对家蚕无熏蒸毒性;1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液对桑树根灌和喷叶处理,表现极强的根部、叶部和全株性内吸传导特性;药液对家蚕的残毒期很长,1.25×10^(-4)mg/L稀释药液田间喷雾桑叶,间隔60 d后采叶饲喂3龄和5龄蚕的死亡率均为100%,且中毒反应极快,添食毒叶后1~5 h出现中毒症状,经停止食桑、静伏、少量吐液、蚕体萎缩等过程后陆续死亡。
But I have often stared casually at little thing of this universe, a bird, a fish, a flower, or a small plant, and even at a bird's feather, a fish's scale, a flower petal and a blade of grass, and realized how Mother Nature has also created it with all her great skill and wisdom and energy.
The results showed that different tillage patterns could improve soil water storage,the soil laer of no-tillage was covered by straws between 0 to 20 cm held water(4.542±0.894)×10~5 L/hm~2;Under no-tillage with full-straw mulching average soil temperature at 0~20 cm decreased...
The results showed that different tillage patterns could improve soil water storage, the soil laer of no-tillage was covered by straws between 0 to 20cm held water (4.542±0.894)×10^5L/hm^2 Under no-tillage with full-straw mulching average soil temperature at 0~20cm decreased 1~2℃ during early corn growing period; In early season of corn growth, minimum-tillage with 1/3-straw mulching would promot the growth; Compared with the conventional tillage, economic yields could increase
And Changbai larch(Larix olgensis A.Henry)atdoubled CO2 concentration at seedling stage in growth-chamber and WI,HI of several dorminanttree species in MBKPF(1)Under 700μl·1-1 concentration of CO2,the stem height, stem diameter,main root length,root/shoot ratio and the relative proportions of biomass in root,stem and leaf of the seedlings ofKorean pine and Changbai larch had no significant change.
Using plant bivalent expression vector pCAMBIA1300 and pBI121 as basic components, a new binary vector harboring tomato chitinase gene Chi3 and tomato β-1,3-glucanase gene Glu-Ac, was constructed through sequential restriction digests and ligations recombination. The two genes driven by CaMV35s promoter were successfully transferred into watermelon cultivars "ZhongYuYiHao" via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
The rate of plantlet regeneration was 62.2%; 0.5mg/L malt extract in the root induction medium could significantly increase the number of root per plantlet.
生根培养基中添加0.5mg/L的麦芽提取物(malt extract,ME)可显著增加每株的平均根数。
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).