英语人>网络例句>样子 相关的搜索结果


与 样子 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He wrestled his own bag onto his shoulder and wondered what he and his wife looked like: the willowy, overachieving-service-brat success story, new captain of the Farrago', and the shorter, maybe-muddled-looking guy at her side who suddenly found himself honcho of combat-operations coordination for the Sentinels.

Rick 背上自己的背包,心里琢磨着自己和妻子在别人眼里是个什么样子:一位苗条的,有着和年龄不相乘的传奇经历的小鬼,现在成了Farrago的新的舰长,而在她身边的,稍矮一些的,或许看起来乱七八糟的家伙,突然发现自己变成了哨兵战斗部队的老板。

He wrestled his own bag onto his shoulder and wondered what he and his wife looked like: the willowy, overachieving-service-brat success story, new captain of the Farrago', and the shorter, maybe-muddled-looking guy at her side who suddenly found himself honcho of combat-operations coordination for the Sentinels 14-chap7

Rick 背上自己的背包,心里琢磨着自己和妻子在别人眼里是个什么样子:一位苗条的,有着和年龄不相乘的传奇经历的小鬼,现在成了Farrago的新的舰长,而在她身边的,稍矮一些的,或许看起来乱七八糟的家伙,突然发现自己变成了哨兵战斗部队的老板。

It's kind of fascinating to me.


He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion .


To be there on that fateful night?


He fawning manner whenever the boss is around just makes me curl up .


Now, with the old man fawning on her, she puts on airs.


His fawning manner whenever the boss is around just makes me curl up.


But I really do not enjoy Kara fawning on me. You know, it is not a very comfortable thing to have such a smelly dog trying to please you, so I did an evil thing


Something about his face and the way he watched Faye Wong's character made me really like him.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
