英语人>网络例句>栓 相关的搜索结果

与 栓 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generally the larger the sales, the larger is the amount of money tied up each day ais uncollected funds in cash receipts.


3 In the event of failure of the normal power supply and/or the UPS supply to the PSD system, the mechanism to manually unlatch the sliding screen doors, either by an authorised person on the platform side or from the trackside, shall not be affected.


He then, with shaking hands, unlatched the door.


Objective To study effects of tethered spinal cord on functions of bladder and urethra.

目的 探讨脊髓系对膀胱尿道功能的影响。

Results Nine patients with PTE wore performed thromboembolectomy under cardiopulmonary bypass, one patient was performed thromboembolectomy under non-extracorporeal circlulation. One patient died of pulmonary re-embolism postoperatively, utile patients were survival. There was o marked increase of arterial partial pressure of oxygen and oxygen saturation (P.05) and pulmonary arterial systolic pressure decreased significantly (P.05) at the second postoperative week, with significant improvement in quality of life.

结果 9例在体外循环下行肺动脉取术,l例在非体外循环下手术。1例围术期死亡,9例存活;术后2周测不吸氧状态下动脉血氧分压、血氧饱和度均有显著改善,与术前比较有显著性差异(P.05);术后2周超声心动测肺动脉收缩压显著降低,与术前比较有显著性差异(P.05),生活质量明显改善。

Thesame observer was able to terminate vapor lock in 10 of 10 trials.


A blinded observer was ableto identify the onset of vapor lock in 10 of 10 trials.


Endothelin is an important vasoconstrictor produced by endothelium that has been found recently, it also has been testified to contribute to thrombogenesis.


Elements should have their heating sections in the furnace chamber so that no portion of the heating section extends into the furnace wall or refractory plug.


With a model of reversible middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats, the effects of Losartan on the water content of the brain, the contents of Evens blue and the expression of MMP9 were investigated after 24 hours of reperfusion following two hours of cerebral ischemia.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
