英语人>网络例句>某一 相关的搜索结果


与 某一 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second section points out that plotless plot and cyclic structure are also features of O\'Neill\'s plays,especially his late plays,which is very similar to the plays of the absurdist theatre in this aspect.


Only those personnel for whom the information is necessary to complete a given transaction shall possess the authority to access the information.


The different rates are based on the risk of accident, cost to repair, higher theft rates for a particular model and replacement costs such as with a new vehicle.


One of the principles of accounting is that information is provided to a clearly defined accounting entity.


The convention applies only to the accounting practices of a particular entity from period to period.


Article 45 A balance sheet is an accounting statement that reflects the financial position of an enterprise at a specific date.


Article 58 A balance sheet is an accounting statement that reflects the financial position of an enterprise at a specific date.


Narrow-sense accusative subject sentence is an objective narration to certain influences or results of a certain action, as represented by the predicate verb, does to the accusative in a certain event or procedure.


There is general acknowledgment that characteristics of an individual are a result of an interaction of genetics and environment.


This is an ad hoc committee specially established to deal with a particular subject.


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Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron

1:3 ***如此说,大马士革三番四次的犯罪,我必不免去她的刑罚。因为她以傣粮食的铁器打过基列。

Firstly, a new entanglement measure is proposed.


First of all,appeal the law to prohibit reversed payment,unify this with the BOLAR exception,and promote the drugs into the market as soon as possible.
