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So we designed a adaptive synchronizing controller based on hereinbefore hardware environment: first a small magnitude reference signal r is outputted to system through the signal card (to ensure that the vibrating system works in a linear state), and this signal is sent to the moving coil of vibrator through the power amplifier, so vibration is produced through electromagnetic induction. Secondly the vibration signal can feedback to the data acquiring card in the servo system through the acceleration sensor on the Vibroseis reactor M〓 and the base-plate M〓, then the computer can get the current vibrating state y〓 of the coil of vibrator according to the feedback information from the data acquiring card, and give a real time comparing between the current state y〓 and the reference output y〓 of the set-in reference model with current reference input being r , then regulates the correlative controlling parameters according to the error e〓=y〓-y〓 till y〓→y〓, finally normal signal sweeping begins with a certain phase fixed. Meanwhile a synchronization signal for seismic signal record is sent to seismograph from synchronization signal outputting component in the Vibroseis system to perform the controlling process of synchronization of sweeping phases.


This paper deals with the singular perturbation of the boundary value problem of a class of third order nonlinear differential equations.


Firstly, we give out a reduction way for quasilinear generalized system A〓=G , and the concept of the index κ geometrically nonsingularity, where A is singular and of smooth kernal space. By using the canonical projection mappings onto the space of ker A , a class singular pointimpasse point only owned by nonlinear generalized system is also studied and we also prove that the regular index κ quasilinear generaized system A〓=G defined on the region W is equivalent with an ODEs 〓 defined on a submanifold W〓 of the W, so we reduce the problem of quasilinear generalized system to the problem of an ODEs.


Then, when he saw Riddell at a hearing, Snook said he started getting very suspicious.


He had trouble finding his name , because it was at the bottom of a column on an inside sports page , in a small article about the country basketball statistics


Remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday"; Sr Ca3PA

从你的词汇库中移去所谓的"有那么一天"或者"某一天"; A$/\1282

A starring actor or actress given equal status with another or others in a play or film.


One day John Rice, Sr., decided that he "needed to get book learning" and began looking for places where "a colored man could go to school." He ended up in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in 1918 at Stillman College, a small, white-run seminary that trained black men as Presbyterian ministers.

某一天,"赖斯爷爷"决定他"需要读书",于是,他四处寻找"黑人能上学的地方"。1918年,他来到了 Alabama 的 Tuscaloosa 的 Stillman 学院,这是一所由白人办的培养黑人成为长老会牧师的神学院。

Every Ork knows vaguely that when he finally falls upon some stricken field (the majority of Orks meet their end in battle), his soul will merge with the mighty Ork war gods in the warp.


In order to avoid time consuming solution of equations in complex structure dynamics analysis, modal truncation method was studied herein.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
