英语人>网络例句>某一 相关的搜索结果


与 某一 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a director or the secretary of the company and that a share in the company has been duly forfeited on a date stated in the declaration , shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share .


Finally the terminal rule of Genetic Algorithms has been proposed and the implementation of random number maker has been presented. Developed a genetic algorithms based system identification technique. Using this technique globally optimized models for linear and nonlinear system can be identified without the need of a differentiable cost function or linearly separable parameters.


Disutility must be here understood to cover every kind of reason which might lead a man, or a body of men, to withhold their labour rather than accept a wage which had to them a utility below a certain minimum.


In recognition of the universality of politeness , we must also recognize that the relative nature of politeness , that is , the standards that people used to determine politeness have diverseness .


Politeness is a pragmatic phenomenon, which has become a consensus in the academia of phrase using, politeness is usually been interpreted as a strategy to achieve some purpose, such as to increase or maintain the harmonious relations between the two sides. In recognition of the universality of politeness, we must also recognize that the relative nature of politeness, that is, the standards that people used to determine politeness have diverseness.

摘 要:礼貌是一种语用现象,这在语用学界已经成为人们的一种共识,礼貌通常被人们理解为说话人为了实现某一目的而采取的策略,比如增加或维护交际双方的和睦关系,在承认礼貌的普遍性的同时,还必须认识到礼貌的相对性,也就是说,人们用以判断礼貌的标准具有差异性。

Actively. Psychologist and educationalist agree that if one has dense interest on some thing, he will learn from study conscientiously, and put all their energy and selfless spirit to go in for this activity.


Industrial group strategy presses first-rate means one kind to organize the multiresource element of some area effectively namely, a kind of resource that is engaged in some kind say the economic activity that has competitive advantage most to our region configures means.


That is to purposely accept the false message and dispose it as the preset of pragmatics though we know its erroneousness (hold dissent to other party's conclusion), thus to produce out a conclusion tha


Thus the New Year''s gifts and visits of felicitation which had been the feature of the 1st of April became associated with the first day of January, and those who disliked or did not hear about the change were fair game for those wits who amused themselves by sending mock presents and paying calls of pretended ceremony on the 1st of April.


So while, within a certain range, computational processes are independent of the hardware they run on (one machine can emulate anything another can), there are real limits to the fungibility of processes.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
