英语人>网络例句>果核 相关的搜索结果


与 果核 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaf blade broadly ovate to suborbicular; inflorescence 10–15-flowered; fruit oblong, with 3 pyrenes.

叶片宽卵形到近圆形;花序10-15花;结果实长圆形,具果核。 18 C。 fangianus 恩施栒子

There is a vascular bundle in a dark line on the surface.


The results showed that,except for Ni in the seed, six trace elements existed in all the organs, including the young leaf, old leaf, stem, flesh, seed, stone and root, but the contents of these trace elements differed to some extent among different organs, trees or cultivars. The contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni of all the organs in Canarium album Raeusch.


Deciduous, rarely evergreen; leaves papery or rarely leathery; style cylindrical or clavate; stigma capitate or disciform, rarely punctiform; locules of fruit stone 2; anthesis spring and early summer, rarely autumn; bracts inserted distal and adnate to i

落叶,很少常绿;叶纸质的或很少革质;花柱圆筒状的或棍棒状;柱头头状或盘状,很少点状;果核的室2;开花期跳起和初夏,很少秋天;苞片着生的上部和贴生于i 3 Cornus subg。 Kraniopsis 梾木亚属

Elaeis GuileensisAcid Elaeis Guileensis Kernel Acid, Palm Fatty Acid and Palm Kernel Fatty Acid


Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands.


Flowers 2-2.5 cm in diam.; year-old branchlets glabrescent; leaf blade adaxially glabrous; sepals outside sericeous, apex rounded; stamens 6-8 mm; style glabrous.

花2-2.5厘米直径; 1年小枝后脱落;叶片正面无毛;萼片外面被绢毛,先端圆形;雄蕊6-8毫米;花柱无毛 10 P。 microcarpa 小果核果茶

During the period of past three years, the project finished the research of conservation biology on the four endangered and endemic plants from Theaceae. Their detail distribution and living states were completely investigated, about 120 indivaduals of the critically endangered Euryodendron excelsum and abandant individuals and population of Apterosperma oblata were newly found.


He simply sifts out their core aspects to depict certain positions within his system.


One of the first display cases houses something that looks like a walnut or a fruit pit; the accompanying text states that the stone features the detailed carving of a bearded man with an array of animals in the background:"an elephant ridden by a monkey, a boar, a dog, a donkey, a stag, a camel, a horse, a bird a goat..."


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Compared the voltage negative feedback wire-feeding speed regulation system supported by current positive feedback with the rotational speed negative feedback regulation system, the equivalent condition of the two systems is obtained. Then, a wire-feeding speed regulation circuit for the CO_2 welding machine is designed based on TL494 chip, which has the self-protective function under the condition of current overloading.


Make a model to help you determine the optimal number of tollbooths to deploy in a barrier-toll plaza.


Some utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham for example, have argued that pleasure and pain are the only things that are of universal intrinsic value; that is, that pleasure and pain are the only things that are valued for themselves, and other things are of value only because they produce pleasure or pain.
