英语人>网络例句>条件语句 相关的搜索结果


与 条件语句 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In modern Chinese, there exists an expanding tendency in the employment of accusative subject sentence, where accusative word is taken as the subject; meanwhile, many meaningful discussions have also been conducted in its types, expressive functions, conditions of usage, and forming reasons.


The cond form finds the first clause whose condition evaluates to true (ie, doesn't evaluate to nil); it then executes the corresponding action and returns the resulting value.

cond 分支的第一个元素是条件;其它的元素是动作。cond语句查找第一个条件解析为 true 的分支,执行其响应动作并返回结果值。

Second, we rewrite the simple path expression into SQL statements. We research the different rewriting techniques for the different mapping nodes and different condition in where clause. For the query optimizing, we propose the path index based on the notion of node equivalence which is computed by bi-simulation algorithm.


The optimization methods of database SQL query were studied and some available query optimization Methods were given out as follows: The incompatible data type should avoid to be used; More redundancy search parameters should be given as join condition in join query; In some condition, the number of note hitted to target was estimated by optimizing implement using the average density; Some other maths operating symbol should avoid to be used as condition parameters in WHERE clause; Some operating symbol and its sentence should avoid to be used also; When the cluster function was used,the WHERE clause should be paied attention to more,and so on.

作者单位:(重庆工学院商贸信息学院,重庆 400050)摘要:数据库SQL查询语句的优化,须注意:避免使用不兼容数据类型;连接查询中应多给连接条件提供一些冗余的搜索参数;某种条件下优化器只能使用其平均密度以估计命中的记录数;避免对WHERE子句中条件参数使用其它数学操作符;避免使用某些操作符及相应语句;聚簇函数的使用应注意WHERE子句。

Second, the condition itself is almost always reversed (so that the jump to the 'else' block only takes place when the condition is not satisfied), and the primary conditional block is placed right after the conditional jump (so that the conditional code gets executed if the condition is satisfied).


First of all, in two-way conditionals the conditional branch points to the 'else'block and not to the code that follows the conditional statement.

第一,在双条件分支中指向else 语句块的条件分支指针并不是紧跟在条件声明之后的。

Single conditional statement. When specifying more than one condition, the code must specifyhow the multiple conditions are to be combined.


A two-way conditional is different from a single-branch conditional in the sense that if the condition is not satisfied, the program executes an alternative code block and only then proceeds to the code that follows the 'if-else' statement.


We have seen the else statement with other Python constructs such as conditionals and loops.


In this for, the expression uses the prefix increment operator, which as we know adds one to the value of val. After executing the expression , the for retests the condition . If the new value of val is still less than or equal to 10, then the for loop body is executed and val is incremented again. Execution continues until the condition fails.

在这个 for 循环中,表达式使用前自增操作符, val 的值加 1,执行完表达式后, for 语句重新测试条件,如果 val 的新值仍小于或等于 10,则执行 for 语句体, val 再次自增,继续执行直到条件不成立。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
