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与 束状 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DTI fiber tracking demonstrated track of left arcuate fasciculus, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, cingulum, hippocampal commissure and external capsule differed from normal. There was trend of support each other between two hemispheres.


Leaf sheaths loose, strongly compressed, keeled, basal sheaths imbricate; leaf blades broadly linear to lanceolate, flat or folded, 5–20 × 0.6–1.2 cm, glabrous or adaxial surface pilose, apex obtuse; ligule 0.3–0.5 mm. Racemes 2–5, digitate or subdigitate, 4–10 cm, only slightly diverging; rachis glabrous. Spikelets oblong-lanceolate, 2–2.7 mm, pilose or glabrous, apex acute; upper glume and lower lemma 2–4-veined, midvein absent, laterals marginal; upper lemma pale, oblong-elliptic, shorter than spikelet, obtuse with an apical tuft of hairs; stigmas pale.

叶鞘松散,强烈压扁,龙骨状,基部的鞘覆瓦状;叶片宽线形到披针形,平的或折叠, 5-20 * 0.6-1.2 厘米,无毛的或正面具柔毛,先端钝; 0.3-0.5毫米外消旋体2-5的叶舌,指状或者4-10厘米,subdigitate,只是稍微分歧;轴无毛长圆状披针形的小穗,2-2.7毫米,具柔毛或无毛,先端锐尖;上面颖片和更下部的外稃2-4-脉,中脉无,边缘;浅,长圆状椭圆形的上面外稃,短于小穗,钝具一顶端1束毛;柱头浅。

CT appeared patch,small node,light lobulation,peripheral vessel convergence,pleural indentation sign.

CT表现为斑片状、小结节状、轻度分叶状肿块,小毛刺、血管集束征、胸膜凹陷征,大多直径在1.5~2 cm。

Abstract] objective to study the knowledge of the imaging manifestation of x-ray and ct in peripheral small lung cancer.methods to collect twenty cases with no symptom in early time diagnosed by clinic and to retrospectively analyze their imaging features.results x-ray appeared patch,small node.ct appeared patch,small node,light lobulation,peripheral vessel convergence,pleural indentation sign.most of the diameter was 1.5 to 2 cm,with no mediastinum and pulmonary hilar lymph nodes diversion.furthermore the clinical symptom was not obviously.conclusion to be familiar and handling the sign mentioned above is the key to boost the diagnosis of small peripheral lung cancer.

目的 探讨周围型小肺癌的x线、ct影像学表现。方法收集临床和病理证实的早期无症状肺癌20例,对其影像学进行回顾分析。结果本组早期肺癌x线为斑片状、小结节状。ct表现为斑片状、小结节状、轻度分叶状肿块,小毛刺、血管集束征、胸膜凹陷征,大多直径在1.5~2 cm。无纵隔淋巴及肺门转移,且临床症状不明显。结论熟悉并掌握上述征象是提高小肺癌早期诊断率的关键。

Results MRI appearances of acoustic neuromas were:(1)The turmor's growth round the internal auditory canal,the Ⅶ,Ⅷ nerves affected side were thickened than that of opposite side.There was no marked demarcation between the main bodies of the tumors and the affected nerves.The connection between tumors and affected nerves could be showed at contrast enhanced imaging.(2)The tumors were of hypo or isohypo intensity on T1 weighted images and hyper or iso hyper intensity on T2 weighted images.(3)After Gd DTPA administration the tumors were homogeneously or inhomogeneously or circularly enhanced.(4)The margins of the tumors were smooth and well delineated.(5)The affected internal auditory canal usually became shorter in depth and larger in posterior anterior diameter.(6)MRI appearances of micro acoustic neuromas were that the affected Ⅶ,Ⅷ nerves were normal in size or nodularly thickened and the tumor reveaed nodular or point enhancement at contrast enhanced MRI.

结果 听神经瘤的MRI表现主要为:(1)肿瘤以内听道为中心生长,第Ⅶ、Ⅷ神经束较对侧增粗,与肿瘤主体多无明确分界,增强后可见两者相连,颇为特征;(2)肿瘤在T1加权图像上呈低信号、略低信号或低等混合信号,T2加权呈高信号或高等混合信号;(3)注射Gd DTPA后肿瘤呈均匀、不均匀或环状强化;(4)肿瘤边界清晰,边缘光整;(5)绝大多数肿瘤患侧内听道前后径扩大,深径缩短;(6)微小听神经瘤的MRI表现为第Ⅶ、Ⅷ神经束正常或局部结状增粗,造影后呈结节状或点状增强。

A 2. 5~5. 5 MHz transducer was used according to the acoustic depth of the heart examined. Group B was used x-ray fluoroscopy (a Philip mono-rotatable C arm X-ray equipment) as image guide with routine method reported by american college of cardiology cardiovascular technology assessment committee. TTE guiding CSC in site: The guide wire was inserted into left subclavicular vein and inferior vena cava and it was displayed clearly by TTE. The sheath could be displayed clearly too by TTE. CSC was put through the sheath into right atrium in prone position and was thoroughly showed by TTE via untypical parasternal four-chamber view.


The result shows that for both PCL homopolymers and PCL-b-PEG block copolymers, the spherulitic linear growth rate first increases with molecular weight and reaches a maximum, then decreases as molecular weight increases. Crystallization temperature has greater influence on the spherulitic growth rate of polymers with higher molecular weight.


The knowledge obtained here as well as the new morphologies identified provide useful information for future rational design and synthesis of novel multicompartment micelles.5. A superstrong segregation regime theory model for core-corona micelles and core-shell-corona micelles is developed.


They were composed of wavy and tendinous collagen fiber fascicles, among which a small amount of loose tissue was found to be intermingled with vessels.


Most of cases had following characteristic MRI findings: olfactory nerve tumors were often located at anterior cranial fossae and appeared as lobulated mass; optic nerve tumors presented as nerve thickening; tregemimal nerve tumors usually grew across the middle and posterior cranial fossae and appeared as a collar-button appearance; tumors of Ⅷ nerves were nerve thickening and located at CPA; facial nerve tumor was located in mastoid with irregular shape; hypoglossal nerve tumors, vagus nerve tumors and hypoglossal nerve tumors were often located in an enlarged jugular foramen.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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