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与 杆 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We conclude that early, scotopically related OPs may indeed be activated in the single response to the first flash in DA (i.e. without using conditioning flashes). Secondly, on its own, adaptation to mesopic BGL does not seem to trigger enhancement of the overall oscillatory response. The altered single oscillatory response to the first flash apparent in the mesopic BGL comprises a third cone-associated OP and seems to reflect a reorganization of the retinal microcircuitry from a predominantly rod-activated system to one of mixed rod cone neuronal activity in the inner part of the retina at the level at which individual OPs have their respective origins.


Results In one-month-course group,metachromatin of pericytes and endothelial-cell nucleus got together and were kept to sides,and membrane disks of rod cells were obscure with space slightly enlarged.

结果病程 1 月组,周细胞和内皮细胞核异染色质边集,视细胞膜盘模糊不清,间隙略有扩大;病程 3 月组,上述改变加重,毛细血管扩张、基底膜增厚,视细胞核固缩、异染色质浓集;病程 6 月组,上述改变更加严重,但毛细血管由扩张转为狭窄、变形,甚至闭塞。

Alter metallurgically or in design the elevating screw, the breaking and rapid wearing of which is now the chief structural weakness in the weapon.


Another object of the invention is to provide a harvester that efficiently removes the tops from millable stalk lengths of cane before the stalks enter the body of the harvester.


The recombi- nant hepatitis B virus polymerase expressed in cells infected by recombinant baculovirus was determined by SDS-PAGE, The hepatitis B virus polymerase was expressed in insect cells at high level.


This paper developed a multiple noded isoparametric element for the nonlineer analysis of space frames.


Paper electrophoresis showed that the Onobrychis viciaefolia and Medicago sativa cell line transformed with A〓 synthesized agropine and mannopine, and Onobrychis viciaefolia cell line transformed with LBA9402 Bin19 only synthesized agropine.

红豆草转化系获得再生植株。LBA9402 Bin19转化系可以抗100mg/l卡那霉素。苜蓿A4转化系未能得到再生植株。纸电泳分析表明红豆草A4转化系和苜蓿A〓转化系可以合成农碱和甘露碱,而红豆草LBA9402Bin19转化系只能合成农碱。

Most of hob design for non-involute gears are nowadays taken by approximation method.For example,the normal sectional profile of hob worm therad is usually regarded approximately as its basic rack profile.Recently, some new methods have been developed in this respect but, perhaps, they appear overelaborate since the principle of spacing engagement is based on. For this reason , the paper offers a new design procedure for hob worm based on the planar engagement principle with the intention of simplific...


Ferritic irons have a considerably steeper permeability curve than pearlitic irons .


A new material hybrid pennisetum as raw material for the wood-plastic composite material were prepared and a modifier was used to improve the flow quality of pennisetum straw powder.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
