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与 杆 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The test results obtained accor- dingly are presented in this paper .Three stopes with different spans (8m , 16m, 24m ) were selected for the purpose of stress study with epoxylite model .


Field-tests show: grouting bolt exists the question of effective anchorage length; shear stress distribution is disuniform and concentrated in the front 1/3 of the fixed anchoring part.


On the basis of fivebar pantograph configurations with generating similar curves, the loop augmentation method is used to synthesize the configurations of movable planar seven-bar zero-degree-of-freedom and eight-bar negative-degree-of-freedom overconstrained chains with prismatic pairs.


The cells of isolate (CW2) stain Gram positively, the morphology of the cells of isolate was changed from rod to round in the process of growth, the cells in the initial phase of logarithmic growth were long rod, majority of cells singly existed, minority of cells were geminated or formed a long discontinuous chain, until to invariable phage of growth, the cells changed to globe.


The cells of isolate CW 2 stain Gram positively, the morphology of the cells of isolate was c hanged from rod to round in the process of growth, the cells in the initial phase of logarithmic growth were longrod, majority of cells singly existed, minority of cells were geminated or formed a long discontinuous chain, until to invariable phage of growth, the c ells changed to globe.


While the worm surface is generated by contact lines of the generant traditionlly.


We have developed a method for detection of Hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis baculovirus by polymerase chain reaction.


This paper gives some analysis of the working process of the screw compressor with economizer, separates it into three stages: quasi-compression process of the low stage, charge-compression stage, and quasi-compression process of high stage, sets up the mathematical models and its solution of the actual process. The capability increscence of the screw compressor with R717 and R22 after using the economizer has been calculated.


The sub-problem optimal way is used to optimize the mutual insert multi-span greenhouse and the optimal result is disposed using iterated algorithm. Through repetitious iterative disposing the optimal result of three kinds of loads to the mutual insert multi-span greenhouse, it is acquired that the arch pipe's diameter is 32mm, the knighthead's diameter 20mm, the mutual distance 60cm and the gradient side pole's horizontal projection distance is 50cm.


The homologues of ptp-1 and ptp-2 genes were found in some lepidopterous baculoviruses, but not in non-lepidopterous baculoviruses. ApNPV was one of the four baculoviruses contained both ptp-1 and ptp-2 genes.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
