- 与 机组 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This research focuses on the investigation of application of compound combustion engine in generating sets. Through theoretical analysis and practical applications of diesel and generating sets produced by our company, comprehensive investigations have been carried out in such aspects as soot and NOx emissions reduction from compound combustion engines, specific fuel consumption reduction, improvements of fuel economy of generating sets and compound combustion engine meets special power match of generating sets.
In this paper, we focused on the Thermal Power Generator unit commitment optimization. A mathematical model is presented and consuming minimization of generator is chosen for its objective function, with the power balance, generation capacity limits, maximum allowable start and stop times limits and time limits taken into consideration. The unit commitment optimization is constrained minimization problem.
The heat transfer coefficients of the direct air-cooled condenser under various operating conditions are of the most important basic parameters for the optimal operation of the steam power unit, which can be used to determine the heat transfer capability of the cooling system, and in further, to acquire the influences of the operating parameters and environmental conditions on the exhaust steam pressure.
Dynamic characteristics and stability of shaft system is an important indicator of safe operation, not only directly affects the quality of the operating hydro-electric generating set, but also affect its life.
The scheme takes the difference between USA grid and PRC grid into account, and can run above the rating parameter, and it would benefits for the J-TEXT operation on the rating parameters. The stator magnetic flux linkage vector oriented control method is defined for motor double-feed varying speed system, thereafter the ac converter scheme of 100MW motor-generator double-fed varying speed system is proposed.
The shaft stability of generating unit and the power character play crucial role on the unit safe operation,it not only directly affects the safe operation,but also influences the life of unit.
As the big circumrotate machine, steamer unit have enormous influence, but because of complexity in the configuration and system of steamer unit, particularity of the running conditions、 steamer unit often malfunction and bring bad influence ,specially the shafting .The experimental equipment is developed to simulate the rotator vibration.
The concept of entropy is applied to define an index on evaluating the abnormal condition. Prediagnosis of machine fault is made using the spectral structure distribution divergence as a criterion, in which the J divergence concept and multi-parameter evalution theory that describe the pseudo distances between the sampling signals and the corresponding standard faulty signals are used.
It also eliminates the invalid paths between statuses considering the restriction of minimum continuous time of on and off , and tamps rates , thereby reducing the number of paths in dynamic programming and attaining the aim of reducing dimensions . After confirming the running or suspended status of units , the approach is used to distribute powers among units , thereby increasing the efficiency of dynamic programming greatly .
Patented products - water, air-cooled heat recovery units, water-source heat pump units, air-cooled screw cold water unit, the constant temperature and humidity units, the modular clean air conditioning units, cooling towers, air-conditioned box, fan - Tube, shell and tube heat exchangers, and so on more than 10 specifications of the series of hundreds of civilian central air-conditioning products.
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