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与 朴实 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dancing with the wind, poppy of the field of roussillion's suburban-- the Provence's modest scenery just like a picture was drawn by vital summer breeze and sublimated in no time.


Dancing with the wind, Poppy field is in the Rousillon countryside ,The plain scene of Puluosiwang seems a painting which makes by summer freeze that stimulates life power, and sublimes in flash.


When faded the flashiness, purity and simplicity become so dazzling.


Hard as our gold, and leaves from the flashing light at Poplar Point, the master of the language of the rhythm of the sun; us as simple farmer, put your fingers into the soft soil, the perceived warmth of the language of strength.


Review the past; we shared with difficulties and happiness, struggled with floweriness and simple… Now, we begin to build the unique enterprise culture by taking "the brand management" as the core, leading CI into the enterprise pursues.


For a few days I set aside my comfortable life - my business concerns, my life in Rye, New York - and made a pilgrimage to the other side of the world, to a primitive flyspeck island in the Pacific.


Innovative, classic, elegant or intelligent -- in this flagship showroom, Duravit not only showcases its 2008 new products, but its all time classics: the 70 year popular retro-classic 1930 range; intelligent lighting bathroom furniture e-mood with simple yet luxurious Happy D.; the sculpture-like 2006 Red Dot award winner Starck X bathtub in the centre of showroom; the Good Design award winner Blue Moon pool bath; and the practical and beautiful Fogo bathroom furniture with flowing and no-nonsense design.

主题贯穿于整个产品系列;智能照明浴室家具产品e-mood搭配风格简约、洗练却又与奢华息息相融的快乐D。;荣获06年度红点大奖的斯达克X浴缸宛如一件雕塑品,静静地屹立在偌大的展厅中;获得Good design大奖的大容量蓝色月亮系列浴缸;实用美观的弗格系列浴室家具沿袭了Duravit一贯的高贵品质,设计上简炼朴实、风格统一而又气韵流畅。

The rest, as they say, is history; the firm now uses the story to illustrate its folksy image.


He is quite bossy, but his brother is still very folksy.


They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
