英语人>网络例句>末期 相关的搜索结果


与 末期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The son of a Staffordshire doctor, he served in Burma and Malaya at the end of the second world war, attended an agricultural college and went on to become a dairy farmer.


Before the end of the 20th century, a further reduction in the number of dairy farms is likely, as the less competitive farmers are forced to give up dairying .


The combinatorial and delimitative algorithm can be used to solve the problem. A software called "Power Discrete" to implement this algorithm is developed by using Microsoft Visual6.0. It is a useful tool for linear programming problem with discrete variables and for discrete optimum design of structures, and in addition, the software also includes other algorithms such as genetic algorithm.

在国际上, 20世纪 60年代末期和 70年代初期,研究人员已开始对工程离散变量优化设计问题进行研究,但由于当时对于连续变量的非线性规划问题的研究还不够深入,所以在 70年代和80年代,研究的重点集中于连续变量的非线性规划问题。

Vilter was grown up in this period and became an important deviser and practitioner of economic reform in the end of the reign of czar.


Shoot dieback in late dry season was observed in 9 out of these 22 species.


The sensitive instar of wing dimorphism was supposed to be at the latter 3th instar on biological and histological results


Result At the end of dioestrus, the estradiol level was increased gradually, and the peak of estradiol appeared from 1 day before oestrus to 3 days after oestrus (52.50±29.26) pg/mL, then the estradiol decreased rapidly, its lowest value at 6-9 days of oestrus (7.20±5.50) pg/mL. The level of progesterone was low before oestrus, and rose gradually at the peak of estradiol and reached the highest value at 9-15 days of oestrus (35.52±7.87) ng/mL, then it decreased gradually.

结果 发情间期的末期,雌二醇开始升高,在发情前1 d至发情开始后3 d内出现雌二醇高峰(52.50±29.26) pg/mL,峰值后雌二醇急剧下降,到发情第6~9天下降至最低值(7.20±5.50) pg/mL;孕酮水平在发情前期较低,于雌二醇高峰时开始上升,发情第9~15天达到最高值(35.52±7.87) ng/mL,此后逐渐下降。

"Because of the tremendous geopolitical shifts that occurred at the end of the Cold War, we've had a period of remarkable disinflation," he said. That period is now coming to an end, and the evidence is clearly there in rising export prices coming out of China.


In DHF, mitogen-activated kinase p38 and calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase were disproportionally expressed/activated (50% to 150%), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha increased in the late-contracting (higher-stress) lateral versus septal wall.


In the late 20th century, however, the cost of petroleum distillate rose, and by the late 1970s there was renewed interest in biodiesel.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
