英语人>网络例句>末期 相关的搜索结果


与 末期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Futurists affirm that John's prophecies will be fulfilled at the end of the present age.


Ginger extract and4-Retro-decoction can improve the cardiac systolic/diastolic function and reduce peripheral resistance,with ginger extract showing a strong effect.Ginger extraction showed a better performance in reducing terminal diastolic pressure,which is beneficial to lower the before-load of heart.Consequently,coronary perfusion can be improved.


Ginger extract and4-Retro-decoction can improve the cardiac systolic/diastolic function and reduce peripheral resistance,with ginger extract showing a strong effect.Ginger extraction showed a better performance in reducing terminal diastolic pressure,which is beneficial to lower the before-load of heart.Consequently,coronary perfusion can be improved.


At the end of Mingshui Formation, hydrocarbon generated by Qingshankou source rocks migrates down along open boundary faults of concentrated ribbons at the force of overpressure,then short lateral-migration along channel sand, finally accumulated on horsts and fault terraces of the uplifted side of both sides,but in the intensive fault zone,most of the units are grabens,so it is not good for accumulation.

明水组末期青山口组源岩生成的油气在超压作用下,沿开启的断层密集带边界断层幕式下排后通过河道砂体短距离侧向运移,在两侧上升盘地垒或断阶圈闭中聚集成藏;而断层密集带内多为地堑式组合,不利于油气聚集;在成藏模式指导下刻画出47个油气富集目标区,预测石油地质储量0.5 亿t。

From 6860 to 3170 cal.yr BP,semi-desert steppeexpanded,regional montane forest steppe retreated,suggesting a prolonged warm and dryclimate.Between 3170 and 2340 cal.yr BP,regional forest steppe expanded whereassemi-desert steppe retreated,indicating the climate became cool and wet gradually and thehumidity reached the maximum at the end of this stage.During 2340~1600 cal.yr BP,Poaceae steppe dominated whereas wetland meadow expanded and the montane forest stepperetreated,suggesting a cool and wet climate prevailed,wormwood grass steppe prevailed andthe climatic instability increased after 1600 cal.a BEThe climate and environmental reconstructions by pollen were supported by the diatomrecords.A relative high lake level and moister climate prevailed between 8660 and 7230 cal.yr BP as inferred by the dominance of planktonic diatom genera and high planktonic/benthicratio (〉40).low lake level and dry climate sustained during 7230~2330 cal.yr BP assuggested by the low abundance of planktonic diatom and low planktonic/benthic ratio ~20and the lake returned to high level during 2330~930 cal.yr BP as inferred by there-dominance of the planktonic diatom and the high value of palnktonic/benthic ratio.The pollen-based climate reconstruction was also consolidated by the grain size andPediastrum concentration records.

Ugii Nuur湖周围现代孢粉研究表明:松属为空气传播的外来花粉,其含量变化可能指示了远山森林草原发育状况;禾本科具显著低代表性,母体植物建群时含量通常在10%以下:藜科花粉含量可以指示区域气候干旱程度。2、以现代孢粉研究为基础、可靠AMS~(14)C年代为框架,Ugii Nuur孢粉记录高分辨率地重建了蒙古国中部地区过去8660 cal.yr BP以来的植被和气候变化。8660~7800 cal.yr BP研究区植被为禾草草原,湖畔及河谷低地发育苔草草甸,远山发育松属针叶林和森林草原,气候温和略湿润;其中8350~8250 cal.yr BP湿生草甸扩张,旱生植物成分减少,气候凉湿。7800~6860 cal.yr BP旱生成分增加,气候转向暖干。6860~3170 cal.yrBP半荒漠草原扩张,远山森林草原退缩,山地草原和河谷及湖畔湿生草甸退缩,气候持续暖干。3170~2340 cal.yr BP半荒漠草原退缩,远山森林草原扩张,气候转凉变湿,末期湿度条件达最佳。2340~1600 cal.yr BP禾草草原发育,湖畔及河谷低地湿生草甸扩张,远山森林草原略有退缩,气候总体较凉湿。1600 cal.yr BP以来研究区发育禾草-冷蒿草原,气候波动较大。

As loan words such as headwords being widely used in our daily life, at the late 90's, the rejection voice on the related academic meeting reduced in a great degree. Instead, there was a concern about how to guide and give criterion to use new words, especially the characteristic loan words and letter words.


Hospices, good medical and nursing care, company, therapy and counselling can all help terminally ill patients.


The ice raft and the glacier mud rock flow deposited along the northern and northwest edge of the plateau during early Cretaceous, implies that the northern edge of the plateau may be of the suitable height, may be similar to present's Himalaya Mountain.


In order to keep consistent with the character of remote sensing-based vegetation phenology detection, the essay use "vegetation greenness period" to replace "vegetation growing season", and chose leaf unfolding and leaf coloration of local plant communities as indicator events to show the start and end of vegetation greenness period.


The law was alike between initial stage and the peak of growth, but the rates reaching maximum of negative and positive were in the different soil depths , and the inflexions of increment anti decrement by degrees were also different. The soil water content in terminal stage increased positively, and in surface reached the maximum, but decreased with the depths, except a little increment in the depth of 460~600cm.

年生长季内,不同生长时期,土壤含水量变化的速度不同,生长初期和生长旺季的规律相似,但速度出现负的最大和正的最大所在的土层深度不同,速度递增和递减所在的土层深度也不同,生长末期速度均为正值,表层最大,随土层深度的加深,速度递减,但到460~600 cm处速度略有增加。

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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
