英语人>网络例句>末期 相关的搜索结果


与 末期 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abundance of salt-alkaline megatherm Classopollis-Ephedripites assemblage in a limited time illustrates a short duration of dry hot climate by latest Cretaceous. Such extreme climatic change and ecologic overturn are possible causes of the dinosaur extinction in the study area. Other factors, such as asteroid impact and large volcanic eruption triggering global mass extinction caused the regional climate change.


There were a lot of MIAs back then, during the last days of the war. Ocelot probably would have ended up the same way.

当时战争末期有不少MIA(注:missing in action,指作战任务中失踪的军事人员),通常情况下Ocelot可能也就那么消逝在茫茫人海之中了。

The anomaly lie in bed 63-69 of Chahe section and bed 30-39 of Mide section. The time is the end of Permian.


For all their stylistic differences - Xinjian in his technical virtuosity and Zhang in his monochromic abstractions - these artists are surprisingly similar in their use of Western painting styles and representation of Chinese cultures and spirituality.


The results showed that pendimethalin is a herbicide interfering cell division,The mito-sis of pendimethalin treated root was arrested at metaphase with contracted and condensed chromo-somes and produced a series of abnormal,polymorphic cells such as multinucleate,multinucleolus,micronucleus and polyploid cells.


The relationship between Discocotyle sagittata intensities and host length, weight and specific anti-parasite antibody titres was studied in 3 year-classes of farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta at the end of the annual transmission cycle.

对一年一度洄游季节末期的三周龄养殖虹鳟和褐鳟进行寄生虫检测,研究Discocotyle sagittata感染强度与宿主的体长、体重、特异性抗寄生虫抗体滴度之间的关系。

As a woman of feudalism telophase , You Sanjie is a deputation of treachery in that age. She dared to audacious hanker individual felicity ,deprecated the dignitary , not fluctuated with nabobism. She could sturdily dominate fate herself and not drifted with the tide like persons around .


In the early Paleozoic and Indosinian cycle, the tectonic movement is weak, and the rock has acoustic emission once, whose maximum paleo-stress is 13.3MPa and 24MPa, moreover the Majiang ancient reservoir is in the mainly accumulation period; the high frequency and intensity paleo-stress correspond to the Majiang ancient reservoir's reservoir comes into being or destruction. The single Neopaleozoic acoustic emission whose maximum paleo-stress is 92.6MPa means the reservoir comes into being.


Elevated CO〓 to 700μL L〓 enhanced the growth of Nitzschia palea by 4-20%at the beginning of exponential phase, and that of Chaetoceros muelleri by 11-31%in the late exponential phase.

谷皮菱形藻和牟氏角毛藻,在CO〓浓度倍增(700μL L〓 CO〓)条件下,前者的生长从对数期开始受到促进,而后者的促进出现在对数末期;CO〓浓度倍增使稳定期的最大生物量,谷皮菱形藻增加4-20%,牟氏角毛藻增加11-31%。

We investigated the behavior of plateau pika Ochotona curzoniae in populations of different density in 2003, using focal-animal sampling technique during the reproductive season, which included early stage, peak, middle and later stage of reproduction.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
