- 与 朝气 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
N The Sunway Group is today one of Malaysia's most dynamic and well-diversified conglomerates.
n 双威集团是和当今马来西亚最富有朝气及多元化的集团之一。
The Sunway Group is today one of Malaysia's most dynamic and well-diversified conglomerates.
The Sunway Group is today one of Malaysia's most dynamic and well-diversified conglomerates.
Ruian City, Zhejiang Province Tambor automotive parts factory is specialized in the production of automotive components manufacturing enterprises.The factory is located in China's auto capital of Ruian City Tangxia Town. Our factory is a very dynamic and energetic young enterprises. Since five years the factory from the production of a single species has been developed to Automotive chassis, ball joinst, control arms, engine components, bushing, tubes,etc..
Its charming tides of change, teems with life
Although you are a bit older than Luxin at the time when he was fond of the delicious Vicia faba, you are far from your old age and are still full of undiminishing vigor and freshing vitality.
This company specialized production The oak models trademark ,Reflection trademark,PU leather printing sign ,Cowboy skin sign,Cowhide sign ,Imitates skin trademark,Decoration sign,Silk-screen printing sign ,Craft accessories As well asWeaves the belt to press character ,Swings grain of sweatshirt piece pressure character ,Embosses and so on.
Your vigorous body accompanied with moonlights come into my dreams, which makes me worry about you.
In this way, of life that we are more energetic, passionate, better life, more happiness!
Playful, the most general, suggests high spirits, gaiety, and often lively humor
Playful 是最常用的,暗示有朝气、优雅且经常是生动的幽默
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Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......