英语人>网络例句>朝 相关的搜索结果

与 朝 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Air and light debris change direction abruptly at the bottom of the rear deflector and exit through an inlet area and upwardly directed path at the back of the deflector.


What was the directional flow of U.


Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique.


Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique.


I can only hope that there will come one day when France will disburden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the Winter Palace.


What would you have forsooth, grasshopper, said the mistress, and grew angry, and seized a dishcloth, and was just going to strike him, but my little tailor crept nimbly under a thimble, peeped out from beneath it, and put his tongue out at the mistress.


In the study's discussion, the authors suggest that the powerless in society are directed "toward a destiny of dispossession."


She was a-visiting there at Booth's Landing, and just in the edge of the evening she started over with her nigger woman in the horse-ferry to stay all night at her friend's house, Miss What-you-may-call-her I disremember her name -- and they lost their steeringoar, and swung around and went a-floating down, stern first, about two mile, and saddle-baggsed on the wreck, and the ferryman and the nigger woman and the horses was all lost, but Miss Hooker she made a grab and got aboard the wreck.

" "她是走亲戚去的。在步斯渡口。正是黄昏时分,她和黑女佣上了渡骡马的渡船,准备在一个朋友家住一晚上,那个朋友叫什么什么小姐来着,名字我记不住了。渡船上的人丢了掌舵的桨,船就打圈圈,往下游漂去,船尾前,漂了两英里多路,碰到那条破船上,就给撞翻了。摆渡的和黑女佣以及一些马匹,全都冲走了。

It jumped up and down disrespectfully, mocking the hunting soldiers. It threw a nut at them.


His court was composed largely of those who had spent idle and dissolute years in exile with him.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
