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与 朝 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Evev though/as usual The brightness ought to arouse people to AIDS annotates a medium (draw one's atteniou to) We are three's tall students , we do not ought to indulge in computer game That young reporter makes a resolution to report this matter truly (make up one's mind) I live within one room towards the north , can not find sunlight all day long When the fireman is got to, the house has already been burned down Even if in the once failing,I give up neither Be negligent leading to (the to testing the lead failing) I am able to persuade him to change mind as far as possible (make enery efort/ change one's mind) The children hopes that the soon gets rid of zoo play That you ought to pay attention to English much listen to and say otherwise, you are in communicating with the foreigner is able to have difficulty As long as you study attentively in English, you are therefore likely to learn (putone with English; S mind to) Leave classroom front , be sure to be good with the lock make sure

evev though/as usual)媒体应该引起人们对艾滋病的光注(draw one's atteniou to)我们是高三的学生,我们不应该沉迷于电脑游戏那位年轻记者下决心真实的报道此事(make up one's mind)我住在一间北的房间里,终日不见阳光消防队员到达时,房子已经被烧毁了即使在失败一次,我也不放弃粗心大意导致试验失败我会尽力劝说他改变主意(make enery efort / change one's mind)孩子们盼望早日去动物园玩你应该多注意英语听和说,否则,你在与外国人交流是会有困难只要你专心于英语学习,你就能把英语学好(putone;s mind to )离开教室前,一定把们锁好

Hairstyles change with the times and with fashion.


But Gloria would have none of it. In her best imitation of Carol Channing she glided across the room in my direction.


But Gloria would 21have none of it. In her best imitation of Carol Channing she glided across the room in my direction.


And the opportunity to come fast, perhaps Yang Chao did not expect.


He took the shortest cut to the Seine, reached the Quai des Ormes, skirted the quay, passed the Greve, and halted at some distance from the post of the Place du Chatelet, at the angle of the Pont Notre-Dame.


Chicle is a base over which you sprinkle sugar, pepsin, thyme, licorice. Chicle, when it is gathered by chicleros, is O.K. The chicleros came over on the ridge of a sunken continent. They brought with them an algebraic language. In the Arizona desert they met the Mongols of the North, glazed like eggplants.


Chicle is a base over which you sprinkle sugar, pepsin, thyme, licorice. Chicle, when it is gatITed by chicleros, is O.K. The chicleros arrived over on the ridge of a sunken continent. They brought with them an algebraic language. In the Arizona desert them met the Mongols of the North, glazed like eggplants.


So Meg reclined, with rubbers well hidden, and Jo went blundering away to the dining room, which she found after going into a china closet, and opening the door of a room where old Mr. Gardiner was taking a little private refreshment.

说 完,美格斜靠在沙发上,刚好遮住了胶鞋,乔跌跌撞撞地餐厅走去,她先闯进一间放瓷器的储藏室,接著又打开一扇门,却发现加德纳老先生在那里独自小憩。

He sputtered to the air : o , the chinless chinaman


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
