- 与 望远镜 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Puerto Rico is home to the largest, most sensitive radio telescope in the world.
Since then, various types of radio telescope developed by leaps and bounds.
Separated from the others, three officers came along, carrying maps and binoculars, with a radioman just behind-obviously the battalion CO and his staff.
They had remained curiously isolated from the changes elsewhere in India. Few European innovations - watches, clocks, telescopes - had reached the Rajput desert.
Theoretical analysis and simulation shows that the direction driving motor accelerates first, and then decelerates to compensate for the eccentricity when the satellite is deviated from laser center with a certain distance, and reacquires the tracking satellite. The needed time from reacquisition to tracking is affected by motor acceleration, telescope′s detecting precision, and detector′s response and treatment time, and the effect of detector precision on the reacquisition and re-tracking time is greater, as a result, the detector response and treatment time is decreased to the least.
This is a reconstruction of the telescope.
The printing is free of red ink, making it easy to use at the telescope.
He was one of the first to build and use a reflecting telescope.
In second and third decades of the eighteenth century, however, the reflecting telescope became a reality in the hands of first James Hadley and then others.
He sent this little instrument to the Royal Society, where it caused a sensation; it was the first working reflecting telescope.
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